be used as a word processor or to run video games. To change the program of
such a machine, one has to replace the circuitry.
The first truly modern computer was the Manchester Mark 1.
It was
distinguished from its predecessors by the fact that it was a stored-program
computer. Such a computer stores (and manipulates) a sequence of
instructions, and has a set of elements that will execute any instruction in that
sequence. By creating an instruction-set architecture and detailing the
computation as a sequence of instructions (i.e., a program), we make a highly
flexible machine. By treating those instructions in the same way as data, a
stored-program machine can easily change the program, and can do so under
program control. Indeed, the heart of the computer then becomes a program
(called an interpreter) that can execute any legal set of instructions, and thus
can be used to compute anything that one can describe using some basic set of
Both the program and the data it manipulates reside in memory. Typically there
is a program counter that points to a particular location in memory, and
computation starts by executing the instruction at that point. Most often, the
interpreter simply goes to the next instruction in the sequence, but not always.
In some cases, it performs a test, and on the basis of that test, execution may
jump to some other point in the sequence of instructions. This is called flow of
control, and is essential to allowing us to write programs that perform complex
Returning to the recipe metaphor, given a fixed set of ingredients a good chef
can make an unbounded number of tasty dishes by combining them in different
ways. Similarly, given a small fixed set of primitive elements a good programmer
can produce an unbounded number of useful programs. This is what makes
programming such an amazing endeavor.
To create recipes, or sequences of instructions, we need a programming
language in which to describe these things, a way to give the computer its
marching orders.
In 1936, the British mathematician Alan Turing described a hypothetical
computing device that has come to be called a Universal Turing Machine. The
machine had an unbounded memory in the form of tape on which one could
write zeros and ones, and some very simple primitive instructions for moving,
reading, and writing to the tape. The Church-Turing thesis states that if a
function is computable, a Turing Machine can be programmed to compute it.
The “if” in the Church-Turing thesis is important. Not all problems have
computational solutions. For example, Turing showed that it is impossible to
write a program that given an arbitrary program, call it P, prints true if and only
if P will run forever. This is known as the halting problem.
This computer was built at the University of Manchester, and ran its first program in
1949. It implemented ideas previously described by John von Neumann and was
anticipated by the theoretical concept of the Universal Turing Machine described by Alan
Turing in 1936.