Disordered stabilization of stochastic delay systems: The
disorder-dependent approach
Guoliang Wang, Hongyang Cai
1. School of Information and Control Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, 113001
E-mail: glwang985@163.com
Abstract: In this paper, a general stabilization problem of stochastic delay systems is realized by a disordered controller
and studied by exploiting the disorder-dependent approach. Different from the traditional results, the stabilizing controller
here experiences a disorder between control gains and system states. Firstly, the above disorder is described by the robust
method, whose probability distribution is embodied by a Markov process with two modes. Then, by exploiting a disorder-
dependent Lyapunouv functional, two respective conditions for the existence of such a disordered controller are provided
with LMIs. Finally, a numerical example is exploited to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed
Key Words: stochastic delay systems; disorder; disorder-dependent approach; Markov process; robust; stabilization
It is very known that time delay is commonly encountered
in variously practical dynamical systems, such as chemical
systems, heating systems, biological systems, networked
control systems (NCSs), telecommunication and economic
systems, and so on. Due to the presence of time delay in
such practical systems, many negative effects, for exam-
ple, oscillation, instability and poor performance, could be
caused. Motivated by these facts, various research topics of
time-delayed systems have been considered. By investigat-
ing the existing results, it is found that they are mainly clas-
sified into two classes: delay-dependent and -independent
ones.During the past decades, many important results on
all kinds of delay systems have emerged, such as stability
analysis [1, 2], stabilization [3, 4, 5],dissipative and passive
control [6, 7, 8], output control [9], H
control and filter-
ing [10, 11, 12, 13], state estimation [15, 16, 17], synchro-
nization [18, 19], slide control [20], positivity analysis [21],
and so on. It is said that the more information about time
delay is used, the less conservative results will be obtained.
In order to achieve this aim, some methods or techniques
applied to improved Lyapunov functionals are proposed
and used, such as slack variable method [1],stochastic ap-
proach [4, 5, 10], where the other results or methods can be
found in the existing large references.
By investigating the most results on the system synthesis
in the literature, it is seen that there were few references to
consider the disordering problem. The motivation of dis-
ordering problem usually comes from the data transmitted
through the shared communication networks. It is a phe-
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China under Grants 61104066, 61374043 and 61473140,
the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project under Grant
2012M521086, the Program for Liaoning Excellent Talents in University
under Grant LJQ2013040, the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning
Province under Grant 2014020106.
nomenon that the transmitted data arriving at the destina-
tion is usually out of order [22] and usually complicates its
analysis and synthesis. During the past years, very few re-
sults were considered on this issue. Some new interesting
and challenging problems could also been introduced. In
reference [23], some LMI conditions were presented by ex-
ploiting a packet disordering compensation method. Based
on transforming the underlying system into a discrete-time
system with multi-step delays, the stability and H
trol problems of NCSs with packet disordering were con-
sidered in [24, 25], while some less conservative results
were given in [26]. Recently, a kind of packet reordering
method based on the average dwell-time method was pro-
posed in [27]. By investigating such references, it will be
seen that the considered problems and studied methods be-
tween these references and this paper are quite different.
Firstly, the considered systems between these references
and this paper are different. The originally considered sys-
tems of such references are ones without any time delay,
while there is time delay in our considered systems. Sec-
ondly, the places of disordering happening are different. In
the above references, the disordering only exists in system
states transmitted through networks, while the disordering
to be considered in this paper takes place between system
states and control gains. A suitable model to describe such
problems correctly should be established firstly. Thirdly,
but not the last, even if a suitable model is presented, how
to make the existence conditions of the desired controller
with solvable forms is also necessary studied. To our best
knowledge, very few results are available to design a dis-
ordered controller for delay systems. All the facts motivate
the current research.
In this paper, the general stabilization for a class of stochas-
tic delay systems closed a disordered controller is studied
by a disorder-dependent approach. The main contributions
of this paper are summarized as follows: 1) A kind of sta-
2017 IEEE