2018 年 3 月 Journal on Communications March 2018
第 39 卷第 3 期 通 信 学 报 Vol.39
基于联合熵隐私保护的自适应动态 Mix-zone 方案
(1. 江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院, 江苏 镇江 212013;
2. 江苏省工业网络安全技术重点实验室,江苏 镇江 212013;
3. 安徽大学计算机科学与技术学院, 安徽 合肥 230601)
摘 要:针对车联网中 Mix-zone 方案灵活性低以及隐私保护程度对用户缺乏透明度的问题,提出一种交通自适
应的动态 Mix-zone 创建方法,可以根据道路交通状况为车辆动态创建 Mix-zone,随时随地为车辆创建 Mix-zone
进行假名更换,建立基于身份和位置的隐私保护;提出对 Mix-zone 进行隐私分级的联合熵度量模型,可通过归
一化的定量计算结果度量 Mix-zone 达到当前区域车辆隐私需求的程度。使用深圳市某区的出租车辆的轨迹数据
验证了联合熵隐私度量模型及基于该模型的 Mix-zone 创建方案,实验结果表明,该联合熵模型能刻画交通场景
中参数与隐私保护程度的正比关系,在联合熵所表示的无序性指标上,所提 Mix-zone 创建方案相较其他方案,
doi: 10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2018038
Dynamic Mix-zone scheme with joint-entropy
based metric for privacy-perserving in IoV
, LIU Yawe i
1. School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, University of Jiangsu, Zhenjiang 212013,China
2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Security Technology for Industrial Cyberspace, Zhenjiang 212013, China
3. School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Anhui, Hefei 230601, China
Abstract: Aiming at the weak flexibility and lack of users’ transparency existing in the current Mix-zone schemes for In-
ternet of vehicle (IoV), a dynamic was proposed for Mix-zone construction with traffic adaption, which could construct a
Mix-zone for the vehicles dynamically according to the traffic conditions for changing pseudonym at anytime and anywhere.
This kind of Mix-zone could achieve privacy-preserving based on the identity and location. In addition, a novel traf-
fic-adaptive metric was presented for classifying the privacy leveled in Mix-zone, which applied the normalization quantita-
tion to measure the degree of Mix-zone’s privacy demanding by the current region. It was verified that the joint entro-
py-based privacy measuring model and the Mix-zone construction scheme by utilizing the trajectory data of taxis in certain
district in Shenzhen city. The experimental shows that the proposed combination entropy-based model could depict the pro-
portional relationship between the traffic scene parameters and the privacy-preserving degrees. The scheme is better in per-
formance over the related methods, and strikes a good balance between location privacy and service usability.
Key words: Internet of vehicle, Mix-zone, joint-entropy, privacy-preserving
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.U1736216, No.61472001, No.61702233);江苏省重点研发计划基金资助项目
Foundation Items: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.U1736216, No.61472001, No.61702233), The Key Re-
search and Develo
ment Plan Pro
ect of Jian
su Province