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SonarSource is a Swiss company that has developed a document titled "Cognitive Complexity.pdf," which introduces a new way of measuring understandability. The document was authored by G. Ann Campbell and copyrighted by SonarSource S.A. The concept of Cognitive Complexity is presented as a new measurement that goes beyond the traditional Cyclomatic Complexity, which was originally designed to assess the "testability and maintainability" of a module's control flow.
The document discusses the limitations of Cyclomatic Complexity and introduces Cognitive Complexity as an alternative approach to measuring the cognitive load required to understand a piece of code. By taking into account the nesting and logical operators, Cognitive Complexity provides a more accurate assessment of code understandability. This new metric aims to help developers write clearer, more readable code and ultimately improve the maintainability of software systems.
The document provides a comprehensive overview of the principles behind Cognitive Complexity and explains the process for calculating it. It also includes examples to illustrate how Cognitive Complexity differs from Cyclomatic Complexity in specific code scenarios. By emphasizing the importance of writing code that is not only functionally correct but also easily comprehensible, SonarSource's document highlights the company's commitment to improving the overall quality of software development.
In summary, the "Cognitive Complexity.pdf" document from SonarSource introduces a new way of evaluating code understandability through the concept of Cognitive Complexity. By addressing the limitations of traditional metrics like Cyclomatic Complexity, SonarSource aims to provide developers with a more effective tool for writing maintainable and understandable code. This underscores the company's dedication to advancing the field of software development and promoting best practices for code quality.
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2024-04-27 上传
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