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International trade is a crucial aspect of the global economy, with various agreements and treaties shaping the landscape of trade relations between nations. In the eighth chapter of the International Trade Basics knowledge, the World Trade Organization is discussed in detail. This chapter delves into the different aspects of trade treaties and agreements, including the Most Favored Nation Treatment (MFNT) and the Principle of National Treatment. Trade treaties and agreements are formal agreements between two or more sovereign states to regulate their economic, particularly trade, relations. These agreements can take various forms, such as commercial treaties, trade agreements, payment agreements, and international commodity agreements. The MFNT principle ensures that each member of a trade agreement receives the same treatment as the most favored nation, while the Principle of National Treatment ensures that foreign goods are treated no less favorably than domestic goods. The General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) is a significant aspect of international trade, aiming to reduce trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas. This agreement has laid the foundation for the creation of the World Trade Organization, which oversees global trade rules and regulations. China's accession to the World Trade Organization is also discussed in this chapter, highlighting its impact on the country's trade relations with other nations. Overall, the eighth chapter of the International Trade Basics knowledge provides a comprehensive overview of the World Trade Organization and the importance of trade agreements in shaping international trade relations. It emphasizes the need for cooperation and collaboration between nations to promote free and fair trade practices, ultimately benefiting the global economy as a whole.