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"Kotlin Blueprints - 一本实践指南,教你如何使用Kotlin构建工业级的Web、移动和桌面应用,涉及SpringBoot和Node.js等框架。由Ashish Belagali, Hardik Trivedi和Akshay Chordiya合著,由Packt Publishing出版。" 在这本《Kotlin蓝图》中,读者将深入理解Kotlin编程语言的基础和最佳实践,这些知识适用于创建高质量的世界级应用程序。Kotlin是一种现代的、静态类型的编程语言,设计时考虑了Java虚拟机(JVM)和JavaScript的互操作性,同时也在Android开发中获得了广泛的应用。 首先,本书会引导读者了解Kotlin的基本语法,包括其简洁的语句、类型系统、空安全特性以及函数式编程支持。Kotlin的类和对象系统是其核心部分,书中会详细介绍类的定义、继承、接口、密封类以及委托属性等概念。此外,还将讨论Kotlin的集合处理,如列表、映射和范围,以及如何利用扩展函数和高阶函数来增强代码的可读性和效率。 在移动应用开发方面,Kotlin在Android平台上的应用是重点。读者将学习如何使用Kotlin进行Android开发,包括Android组件(如活动、广播接收器和服务)的创建,以及如何使用Anko库简化XML布局文件的编写。此外,Kotlin的协程(coroutines)技术将被介绍,它在处理异步任务和避免回调地狱方面有显著优势。 对于Web开发,书中的内容可能涵盖了使用Kotlin与Spring Boot框架的集成。Spring Boot是一个快速开发框架,可以简化Spring应用的初始设置和配置。通过Kotlin与Spring Boot的结合,开发者可以构建高效、可维护的后端服务。读者将学习如何定义RESTful API、数据库交互(如使用JPA或Hibernate)以及如何实现认证和授权。 在桌面应用领域,虽然Kotlin不是首选的桌面开发语言,但本书可能介绍了使用Kotlin配合JavaFX或TornadoFX库来创建跨平台桌面应用的方法。这将包括用户界面的设计、事件处理以及如何利用Kotlin的特性来提升桌面应用的开发体验。 最后,书中还可能讨论了Kotlin与其他技术的集成,如使用Kotlin与Node.js结合开发服务器端或构建工具。Node.js是一个基于Chrome V8引擎的JavaScript运行环境,而Kotlin/JS编译器则允许开发者用Kotlin编写JavaScript代码,从而在Node.js环境中运行。 《Kotlin Blueprints》是一本全面的指南,旨在帮助开发者掌握Kotlin语言并运用到实际项目中,无论是在Web、移动还是桌面平台。通过这本书,读者不仅可以提升个人技能,还能了解到如何构建稳定、高效的行业级应用程序。
2017-12-19 上传
Chapter 1, The Power of Kotlin, is the introductory chapter. It covers why Kotlin is quickly becoming a force to reckon with. Kotlin positions itself as the smart choice to the various stakeholders, such as the programmer, the manager, and the businesses. The chapter looks at the technology and business reasons that fuel the adoption of Kotlin. Chapter 2, Geospatial Messenger – Spring Boot, covers the use of Spring Boot technology to create robust server-side applications. Spring is one of the most well-known and well-respected server-side frameworks in the Java space, and Spring Boot is its less verbose and more powerful version. This chapter covers how a Geospatial Messenger application is created with Spring Boot technology using the Kotlin language. Chapter 3, Social Media Aggregator Android App, is using Kotlin to create native Android apps. With Google officially recognizing Kotlin's use to develop Android apps, this is the most widespread application to use the Kotlin language. Today's mobile apps hardly work in isolation. They work with a server. This common scenario is illustrated with a social media aggregator app. Chapter 4, Weather App Using Kotlin for JavaScript, explores the use of Kotlin to create rich internet apps that work within the browser. JavaScript is clearly the de facto standard language that works across all the browsers. However, Kotlin is clearly superior to JavaScript in many ways. This chapter shows how one can have the best of both worlds by doing the coding in Kotlin and, then, transpiling the code to JavaScript so that it works with the browsers seamlessly. The example that we will build is a simple weather application. Chapter 5, Chat Application with Server-Side JavaScript Generation, explores how the same facility of transpiling Kotlin to Javascript can be used on the server side. JavaScript is used on the server side within the popular and fast Node.js framework. Kotlin can be used to create Node.js applications, as the JavaScript code that runs with Node.js can be generated from it. This chapter shows how to do so by creating a simple chat application. Chapter 6, News Feed – REST API, covers the use of Kotlin specifically to create REST services. We will develop a News Feed application with the Ktor framework, which is a leading Kotlin-only framework used for server-side applications. Chapter 7, CSV Reader in Kotlin Native, explores a bleeding edge technology—Kotlin Native—which is about compiling Kotlin code directly to platform-specific executables. Although not mature, Kotlin Native is worth watching as it quickly marches to its promise of becoming the only language to create native applications across disparate platforms such as iOS and Raspberry Pi. In this chapter, a small CSV reader utility is built with Kotlin/Native. Chapter 8, Dictionary Desktop Application - Tornado FX, is about using Kotlin to create a cross-platform desktop application based on Java technology. Tornado FX is a Kotlin-specific framework, which is based on the most advanced Java GUI framework, that is, Java FX. This chapter illustrates the power of Tornado FX with a dictionary application.