"毕业论文: 基于SSM框架的网上外卖商城设计与开发"
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The summary describes the content of the document "毕业论文018ssm网上外卖商城hsg7223AHA5程序.doc" which includes an abstract, background significance, paper structure arrangement, development technology introduction, requirement analysis, feasibility analysis, functional analysis, business process analysis, database design, ER diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, detailed design, system screenshots, testing, conclusion, acknowledgements, and references.
The document discusses the development of an online food delivery e-commerce platform using the SSM framework, Java language, MySQL database, and Tomcat server. The aim of this system is to provide users with a platform for ordering meals, attract customers through price advantages, and achieve successful operation. The system follows a B/S structure and focuses on building a sales-centered computer system that integrates user information, account details, and order information.
The document highlights the significance of developing an online food delivery marketplace to cater to the fast-paced new era where people may not have time to go out for meals or patiently choose their desired dishes. It is seen as a breakthrough in the traditional catering industry and provides opportunities for transformation.
Keywords such as SSM framework, sales system, and MySQL database are used to summarize the main focus of the document.
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