
0 下载量 129 浏览量 更新于2024-02-25 收藏 28.01MB DOCX 举报
onger the main problem that needs to be solved in society, but the quality of life has become the primary concern of people. As a new type of household appliance, water heaters continue to appear in people's field of vision, bringing a new spring to users' lives. The widely used gas water heaters in the past have been phased out from the market due to their insecurity and environmental pollution, while electric water heaters, as a space-saving, hygienic and safe alternative, have been favored by users. Therefore, the theme of this design is the design and implementation of a water heater control system based on a single chip microcontroller. This design can collect and display the current water temperature, as well as display the real-time clock, increasing the practicality of the system. The single-chip microcontroller is small in size, simple in structure, but versatile, so the STC89C52 single-chip microcontroller is used as the main control chip of this system, with external temperature measurement circuit, relay switch circuit, watchdog reset circuit, and data tube display circuit, forming the entire hardware circuit. In terms of software, C language development technology is used, as C language programming is simple and practical. Keywords: microcontroller; water heater; temperature