"Deli P3100系列激光打印机说明书及回收政策详解"
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Deli's P3100 series laser printer is a black and white multifunctional machine that is produced by Ningbo Deli Group Co., Ltd. The company expresses its sincere gratitude for choosing their product and emphasizes the importance of carefully reading the statements to ensure the protection of the user's rights. The appearance of the products may vary between different models in the series, and the user manual provides a detailed explanation of the features and functions supported by each model. These include mobile app support, double-sided printing, Wi-Fi connectivity, USB and Ethernet connections, as well as the DNW function.
Furthermore, Deli Group places a strong emphasis on environmental responsibility and sustainable development. In line with this, they offer a free recycling service for their printers and consumables. Customers are encouraged to contact the Deli Group national service hotline at 400-185-0555 to register and confirm the disposal of their waste products. They can then either deliver the items to the nearest Deli Group branch or service center or send them by mail. The costs associated with transportation are the responsibility of the depositor, in accordance with the principle of shared responsibility.
Overall, Deli's P3100 series laser printer is a highly functional and environmentally conscious product that aims to meet the needs of its users while also contributing to the promotion of green practices and sustainable development. With its multifunction capabilities and commitment to responsible waste management, the P3100 series is a reliable and conscientious choice for consumers. For more information and assistance, users are encouraged to visit www.nbdeli.com.
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