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The experiment on selection structure program design involved familiarizing with running a C program on a computer, correctly using logical operators and expressions, implementing if statements for selection structures, utilizing switch statements for multiple branching decisions, understanding the usage of relational and logical expressions, mastering the use of break and continue statements with their differences, and practicing debugging and modifying programs.
The experiment was conducted on a Windows 10 Pro Workstation 17096 using Code::Blocks 16.01 GCC integrated development environment and Cygwin GCC compiler.
The main objective was to determine the maximum value among three integers a, b, and c, inputted from the keyboard. The program analyzed utilized if statements to compare the inputted values and display the maximum value accordingly.
Throughout the experiment, the student, Liu Peng, successfully accomplished the tasks and gained a deeper understanding of programming logic, branching structures, and expression usage in C programming. The guidance of the instructor, Zhao Yue, was instrumental in helping Liu Peng navigate through the experiment and improve their programming skills.
In conclusion, the experiment on selection structure program design provided valuable hands-on experience in applying concepts of conditional statements, logical expressions, and decision-making structures in C programming. It enhanced Liu Peng's proficiency in programming and equipped them with essential skills for future coding endeavors. The successful completion of the experiment highlighted the student's growth and development in the field of advanced language programming.
2022-08-03 上传
2022-08-03 上传
126 浏览量
2022-08-03 上传
2022-08-08 上传
2022-08-08 上传
2022-08-08 上传

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