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"Scratch Programming for Teens" 是一本针对青少年的编程入门书籍,详细介绍了使用Scratch编程语言的基础知识和实践技巧。这本书由Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.撰写,并由Course Technology PTR出版,属于Cengage Learning的一部分。 Scratch是麻省理工学院(MIT)媒体实验室“终身幼儿园”团队开发的一款面向儿童的图形化编程工具。它通过积木块式的编程界面,让初学者能够轻松理解和创建交互式故事、动画、游戏等项目,旨在培养青少年的逻辑思维、问题解决和创新能力。 本书内容可能涵盖以下几个关键知识点: 1. **Scratch界面介绍**:包括工作区、代码块库、舞台和角色的概念,以及如何通过拖放代码块来编写程序。 2. **基本编程概念**:如顺序执行、循环、条件语句、事件处理、变量和函数等,这些都是编程的基础。 3. **动画和游戏制作**:通过实例教孩子们如何创建简单的动画效果,以及设计并实现互动游戏,理解游戏逻辑和规则设定。 4. **控制结构**:讲解如何使用“如果...那么...”(条件语句)、重复(循环)和等待(延迟)等控制流代码块,来控制程序的行为。 5. **数据结构**:介绍列表和变量的使用,学习如何存储和处理信息。 6. **事件处理**:讲解事件监听器的工作原理,例如当用户点击按钮或角色碰撞时触发的事件。 7. **协作与分享**:Scratch社区允许用户分享自己的作品,书中可能提到如何在社区中查找灵感,以及如何评价和反馈他人的项目。 8. **项目实践**:书中可能包含多个项目,引导青少年逐步完成,以此巩固学习到的编程知识。 9. **技术审阅与青少年反馈**:书中有技术审阅者Parker Hiquet的专业评估,以及青少年审阅者Hannah Wittig的反馈,确保内容适合目标读者群体。 10. **版面设计与支持资源**:内页布局清晰,便于阅读,封面设计吸引人,还可能附带CD-ROM等额外教学资源,辅助学习体验。 通过这本书,青少年不仅可以学习到编程的基本技能,还能锻炼他们的逻辑思维和创造力,为未来的STEM(科学、技术、工程、数学)学习打下坚实基础。同时,Scratch的可视化特性使得编程变得有趣且易于上手,非常适合初学者入门。
2014-04-01 上传
Book Description Scratch is a fun, free, beginner-friendly programming environment where you connect blocks of code to build programs. While most famously used to introduce kids to programming, Scratch can make computer science approachable for people of any age. Rather than type countless lines of code in a cryptic programming language, why not use colorful command blocks and cartoon sprites to create powerful scripts? In Learn to Program with Scratch, author Majed Marji uses Scratch to explain the concepts essential to solving real-world programming problems. The labeled, color-coded blocks plainly show each logical step in a given script, and with a single click, you can even test any part of your script to check your logic. You’ll learn how to: Harness the power of repeat loops and recursion Use if/else statements and logical operators to make decisions Store data in variables and lists to use later in your program Read, store, and manipulate user input Implement key computer science algorithms like a linear search and bubble sort Hands-on projects will challenge you to create an Ohm’s law simulator, draw intricate patterns, program sprites to mimic line-following robots, create arcade-style games, and more! Each chapter is packed with detailed explanations, annotated illustrations, guided examples, lots of color, and plenty of exercises to help the lessons stick. Learn to Program with Scratch is the perfect place to start your computer science journey, painlessly. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started Chapter 2. Motion and Drawing Chapter 3. Looks and Sound Chapter 4. Procedures Chapter 5. Variables Chapter 6. Making Decisions Chapter 7. Repetition: Definite and Indefinite Loops Chapter 8. String Processing Chapter 9. Lists Book Details Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: No Starch Press (February 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1593275439 ISBN-13: 978-1593275433
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