
下载需积分: 9 | PDF格式 | 1.09MB | 更新于2024-07-22 | 175 浏览量 | 3 下载量 举报
"《Android Essentials》是一本专为Android应用程序开发人员设计的实用指南,无论你是初学者、专业开发者还是对Android开发感兴趣的业余爱好者,都能从中获益匪浅。本书由Chris Haseman撰写,旨在帮助读者克服移动软件行业中普遍存在的陈旧模式,推动行业创新。 书中涵盖了构建Android应用所需的基础知识,作者结合自身五年在移动软件行业的经验,强调了随着移动设备的普及、功能增强,行业需要新鲜血液注入,摆脱生产同质化应用如铃声、壁纸和邮件应用的困境。通过阅读本书,读者将能够掌握关键概念和技术,从而站在技术发展的前沿,为自己的创新移动产品打下坚实的基础。 《Android Essentials》作为Apress的第一版系列书籍之一,其特点是篇幅短小精悍,内容高度聚焦,由技术专家编写,旨在节省读者的时间和精力。它不仅提供了深入研究所需的信息,也模拟了每两周参加一次专业会议的学习效果,尽管现实中我们可能没有那么多时间。这本书以电子PDF或按需印刷的形式提供,即使在技术本身还在发展中,依然保持清晰易懂,不会让读者因技术更新而感到困扰。 作者在书中逐步引导读者进入Android开发的世界,从入门到实践,涵盖了创建创新应用所需的必要技能。对于那些渴望打破常规,制作出杀手级移动应用的开发者来说,《Android Essentials》无疑是一本不可或缺的参考资料。通过阅读这本书,你不仅会了解如何开始,而且会获得持续学习和适应快速变化的Android技术平台的工具。"


Android Essentials is a no–frills, no–nonsense, code–centric run through the guts of application development on Google’s Mobile OS. This book uses the development of a sample application to work through topics, focusing on giving developers the essential tools and examples required to make viable commercial applications work. Covering the entirety of the Android catalog in less than 150 pages is simply impossible. Instead, this book focuses on just four main topics: the application life cycle and OS integration, user interface, location–based services, and networking. Thorough, complete, and useful work on the nuts and bolts of applicatio development in Android Example driven and practically minded A tool for hobbyists and professionals who want to create production–quality applications What you’ll learn Understand how an Android application functions and communicates with the handset that hosts it. Comprehend the complexities of timers, services, and multimedia playback. Create and display a rich mix of custom–rendered screens and tailored Android widgets. Understand how location–based services are becoming more and more important in the mobile world. See how to use Google’s powerful Map tool. Explore the intricacies of network connectivity in the mobile world. Who is this book for This book is for professional software engineers looking to move their ideas and applications into the mobile space with Android. The author assumes the reader has a passable understanding of Java. They should be able to write classes and handle basic inheritance structures. This book also targets hobbyist developers looking to negotiate the complex minefield of mobile software.
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