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The 2013 National Professional English Level Examination Study Materials (Science and Engineering) introduces a new article, "When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach," which explores the impact of hunger on perception. The study reveals that hungry individuals have enhanced clarity when processing food-related words compared to those who have recently eaten. This finding suggests that our senses are not simply objective receptors of external stimuli, but are influenced by our internal states. This study highlights the intricate connection between our physical sensations and cognitive processes. It indicates that our hunger levels can shape how we perceive and interpret the world around us. The phenomenon of heightened attention to food-related cues in hungry individuals underscores the importance of considering internal factors in understanding human perception. The results of this study have significant implications for various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and nutrition. By demonstrating the impact of hunger on visual perception, researchers can gain insights into how our brains prioritize information based on our physiological needs. This can inform strategies for promoting healthy eating habits and managing food cravings. In conclusion, the study "When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach" sheds light on the complex interplay between hunger and perception. By revealing that hungry individuals are more attuned to food-related stimuli, it challenges traditional notions of sensory processing. This research opens up new avenues for investigating the role of internal states in shaping our sensory experiences and cognitive functioning.