PQ-MAC: Exploiting Bidirectional Transmission
Opportunities via Leveraging Peers’ Queuing
Information for Full-Duplex WLAN
Rongchang Duan
, Qinglin Zhao
, Hanwen Zhang
, Yujun Zhang
and Zhongcheng Li
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R.China
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R.China
Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, P.R.China
Abstract—Full-duplex (FD) wireless is an attractive PHY
technology with high potential to improve the throughput of
WLAN due to bidirectional transmissions. However, existing FD
MACs fail to fully take advantage of bidirectional transmissions
because of neglecting a feature of FD wireless that whether to
build bidirectional transmissions relies on the queuing state of
peers. In this paper, we design PQ-MAC, the first FD MAC
which exploits more bidirectional transmission opportunities by
leveraging peers’ queuing information. Since PQ-MAC seizes
the neglected but important feature, PQ-MAC can improve the
performance with a slight transmission overhead. Simulations
show that, in a 1-cell FD WLAN, PQ-MAC can achieve higher
throughput than existing MACs when the buffer of AP is rela-
tively small (≤200 frames). When the buffer of AP is relatively
large (>200 frames), PQ-MAC can reduce the queuing delay
without the loss of throughput.
Full-duplex (FD) wireless [1] is a very promising PHY-layer
technology that enables wireless nodes to transmit and receive
simultaneously, and therefore has attracted great attentions [2]
[3]. Despite significant progress on the PHY-layer develop-
ment, MAC-layer protocol should be carefully designed to
fully take advantage of FD gain.
The ability of building bidirectional transmissions is the key
reason of FD gain
. Yet, bidirectional transmissions cannot
always be built. The prerequisite of building a bidirectional
transmission between two FD nodes is called bidirectional
transmission opportunity which defines the state that the two
FD nodes buffer frames for each other at the same time. The
opportunities dynamically appear since the queuing state of
FD nodes dynamically changes. Thus, to fully take advantage
of FD gain, a well-designed MAC should exploit bidirectional
transmission opportunities as possible.
Commonly, a transmission between two FD nodes is initi-
ated by one side. The node which initiates the transmission
is called Primary Transmitter (PT), while the other node is
called Primary Receiver (PR). We define that PT and PR are
peers for each other throughout this paper. Using existing
FD MACs, PT just contends for the media based on local
information, but have no idea about the queuing information of
We focus on the FD WLANs in this paper and hence do not consider
3-node full-duplex transmissions, since the 3-node full-duplex transmissions
among nodes are uncommon in FD WLANs [11].
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
AP's buffer (client's buffer=50)
FD ratio (ratio of bi-transmissions)
Real FD ratio
Ideal FD ratio
Fig. 1: Ideal and real FD ratio of existing MACs in a 1-cell
FD WLAN with 1 FD AP and 20 pairs of FD clients, when
the buffer capacity of AP varies.
PR. When PT wins the contention and initiates a transmission,
only if PR has buffered frames for PT, PR would send a
frame back to PT and thus a bidirectional transmission is
built; otherwise, PT only transmits uni-directionally, losing
the benefit of bidirectional transmissions. Since the existing
MACs do not identify bidirectional transmission opportunities
before random contention, we say that the existing MACs
inadvertently capture bidirectional transmission opportu-
We compare the ideal FD ratio with the real FD ratio
existing MACs in an FD WLAN which consists of 1 FD access
point (AP) and 20 pairs of FD clients. In the network, each
client communicates with its partner via AP which buffers
some frames so as to build bidirectional transmissions. We
assume that clients are fully backlogged with frames for their
partners, so ideally all the transmissions can be bidirectional
transmissions. Fig.1 plots the FD ratio as the buffer capacity
of AP varies and it shows that existing MACs build an amount
of uni-directional transmissions. It is because, using existing
MACs, whether a client builds bidirectional transmissions after
random contention depends on the frames in AP’s buffer. Thus,
the more frames that AP buffers, the higher probability that
The FD ratio is calculated as the ratio of bidirectional transmissions in
total transmissions. All the existing MACs perform similarly in the network,
so that we plot one line to represent all of them.
2019 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
978-1-7281-2999-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE