
需积分: 9 0 下载量 142 浏览量 更新于2024-03-20 收藏 626KB PDF 举报
The OTT2001A_V02 data manual provided by ORISE Technology contains detailed specifications and information about their product. ORISE Technology states that they reserve the right to make changes to this documentation without prior notice. While the information provided by ORISE Technology is believed to be accurate and reliable, they do not provide a warranty for any errors that may appear in the document. Customers are advised to contact ORISE Technology to obtain the latest version of device specifications before placing an order. ORISE Technology also disclaims any responsibility for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from the use of their product. Overall, the OTT2001A_V02 data manual serves as a comprehensive guide for customers interested in purchasing and utilizing this product.