"Cortex-R52官方文档:ARM Cortex-R52处理器技术参考手册"

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The "CortexR52_TRM.pdf" is the official technical reference manual for the Arm® Cortex®-R52 Processor, providing detailed information on the architecture, features, and functionalities of the processor. This document is copyrighted by Arm Limited and its affiliates, with all rights reserved. The Cortex-R52 Processor is designed for use in safety-critical embedded systems that require high performance and reliability. The technical reference manual provides a comprehensive overview of the processor's capabilities, including its pipeline structure, memory management unit, instruction set architecture, and system control co-processor. The manual includes release information, detailing the document history and any revisions made to the content. The first release for r0p0 was issued on August 12, 2016, followed by subsequent releases for r1p0 and r1p2. Each release is marked as either confidential or non-confidential, indicating the level of access and distribution allowed for the document. Overall, the CortexR52_TRM.pdf is a valuable resource for developers, engineers, and designers working with Cortex-R52 Processor-based systems. It serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the technical specifications and capabilities of the processor, facilitating the development of safe, reliable, and high-performance embedded systems. This document plays a crucial role in enabling the successful implementation and utilization of the Cortex-R52 Processor in a wide range of safety-critical applications.