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The Java_SSM-based web building sales system in the JSP graduation thesis enhances traditional data management with software storage, summarization, and centralized data processing. In the fast-paced modern economy, the system aids managers in quickly handling vast amounts of data, greatly improving efficiency. Developed on the mature and versatile SSM framework, using the widely-used Java language for large commercial website development, and utilizing the popular RDBMS application MySQL for database management, the system includes features such as basic property data management, employee management, customer management, property management, property collection management, order management, news management, single-page data management, and basic data management. The system's user-friendly interface follows a layout consistent with similar websites, while also providing practical security solutions to address data safety concerns. By aiding managers in efficiently processing work tasks and standardizing and automating data management, the system embodies a holistic approach to information management. Keywords: building sales system; SSM framework; MySQL; automation.
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