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technology and computer technology, PLC has become one of the most important and widely used control devices in the field of industrial automation due to its processing speed, control functions, communication capabilities and control areas, and has become an important pillar of modern industrial automation. This paper analyzes and designs the control of the assembly line, which mainly introduces the control mode of PLC programming controller, realizes online monitoring of the working status of the assembly line and automatic control of the system. The designed control system has high practicality and can start, shift, and reset work, achieving the expected goals. This design is a simulation of the control of the assembly line, mainly simulating the control of the processing process of products on the production line and vividly displaying it. The main assembly line has four operation processes (including storage), and the conveyor belt is represented by four segment indicators to show the status of products in transportation with the brightness of the indicators. To achieve control objectives, we choose to use shift registers to control the control objects, shifting the register every 5 seconds to control the execution of the corresponding operations. Keywords: assembly line, PLC, control system.
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