Data Mining for Service 9
own Internet shop search data. This chapter proposes a framework which combines
product search information and social media information.
Part IV, “Data Mining Spreading into Various Service Fields”, describes lead-
ing research fields in which data mining is applied to diverse data obtained from
new information devices, with various services being created. Chapter, “Handling
Imbalanced and Overlapping Classes in Smart Environments Prompting Dataset”
describes a case where data mining is applied to smart home environments based on
home electronic products connected to networks, a case which has spread rapidly in
recent years. Data created in actual events often contains imbalanced data, such as
mistaken use of home electronics. This chapter proposes ClusBUS, a clustering tech-
nique to handle the overlapping class problem created by imbalanced data. Chapter,
“Change Detection from Heterogeneous Data Sources” studies a technique of change
detection, focused on sensor data which has been attracting the most attention as big
data in recent years. The authors describe the singular spectrum transformation tech-
nique for change-point detection, which handles dynamic characteristics in actual
heterogeneous sensor data, and shows its usefulness. Chapter, “Interesting Subset
Discovery and Its Application on Service Processes” describes applied cases of
data mining using various databases accumulated in companies. It shows specific
cases where data mining is applied to databases which mix continuous values and
discrete values: employee satisfaction surveys, IT support system failure surveys,
data processing performance surveys for data centers, etc. Chapter, “Text Document
Cluster Analysis Through Visualization of 3D Projections” concludes with prob-
lems of visualization, which most affect the performance of data mining in business
applications. This chapter shows a framework and system to visualize the clustering
process and results in text mining, so non-technical users can also understand the
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