DOC格式 | 217KB |
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Based on the document "RISCCPU System Design Based on VHDL Language.doc", this project utilizes CPLD as the carrier and utilizes the MAX PLUSⅡ software platform to complete the design of the RISC-CPU system. The paper mainly elaborates on the design method of implementing this IP core using CPLD technology. RISC, which stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer, simplifies the instruction system compared to general CPUs, and by simplifying the instruction system, the structure of the computer becomes more reasonable, thereby improving the computational speed.
This project designs an 8-bit RISC-CPU system using the hardware description language VHDL and adopts a top-down design method. According to the design process, the RISC-CPU is divided into eight basic functional modules. Then, VHDL code description is applied to each module, and various tools in the development system are used for compilation, functional simulation, logic synthesis, timing simulation, layout, and wiring, ultimately providing simulated waveforms of instruction execution to verify the CPU instruction's functionality. The design demonstrates that the method of implementing RISC-CPU system design using CPLD technology is completely feasible.
Keywords: Complex Programmable Logic Devices, VHDL language, RISC-CPU.

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