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本论文通过讨论电梯控制系统的组成,阐述可编程控制器(PLC)在电梯控制中的应用,采用三菱 PLC 编程的程序控制方式,提出了三层电梯的 PLC控制系统总体设计方案、设计过程、组成,列出了具体的主要硬件电路、电梯的控制梯形图及指令表。并给出了系统组成框图和程序流程图,在分析、处理随机信号逻辑关系的基础上,提出了 PLC 的编程方法,设计了一套完整的电梯控制系统方案。采用本方案实现电梯控制,能够解决继电器——接触器触点多,故障率高、可靠性差、安装调试周期长、维修工作量大、接线复杂等缺点。使电梯运行更加安全、方便、舒适。
This essay explains the application of PLC (Mitsubushi PLC) on elevator,by discussing the construction of elevator control system. It also illustrates the general design project, the design process and construct. Through the analysis and processing of the random signal logic relationship, the programming method of PLC is proposed, and a complete elevator control system solution is designed. By adopting this solution, it can solve the problems of multiple relay and contactor points, high failure rate, poor reliability, long installation and debugging cycle, large maintenance workload, and complex wiring in elevator control with traditional methods. This makes elevator operation safer, more convenient and more comfortable.
Keywords: elevator, PLC, ladder diagram.

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