
需积分: 5 2 下载量 162 浏览量 更新于2024-03-15 2 收藏 4.25MB DOC 举报
With the in-depth development of mobile Internet technology, e-commerce is also constantly improving, online sales continue to increase, and network consumption has become a part of people's daily lives. With the development of e-commerce, it has also presented a diversified direction, including various rural e-commerce, fresh e-commerce, furniture e-commerce, etc., which has brought vitality to various retail products. Especially in the furniture e-commerce industry, it provides consumers with online purchasing and consulting services. Through furniture websites, users can quickly purchase furniture and have them delivered to their door, making it convenient for users. The furniture website is a web system developed using SpringBoot programming and MYSQL database. Through the furniture website, member users can browse all the furniture in the store and make purchases online. Administrator users can manage furniture through the backend, update the latest furniture, remove discontinued furniture, and track sales orders. The operation process of the furniture website is simple, the functions are complete, and it provides a good sales channel for the development of the store. Keywords: e-commerce, SpringBoot, furniture sales, web, MYSQL database.