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"Management Information Systems (MIS) is a specialized course focused on the design and implementation of comprehensive standard management systems for small-scale self-selected markets. The course involves the development of a database design document for a Small-Scale Self-Selected Market Integrated Management System.
The database design document encompasses various steps and processes to create a comprehensive and efficient management system for small-scale markets. The steps involved in this process include conceptual model design, logical model design, and analysis of the self-selected market management system.
The conceptual model design consists of the identification of entity sets and their attributes, as well as the determination of keys and relationships. This step is essential in laying the foundation for the database design, as it forms the basis for the subsequent logical model design. The logical model design involves transforming the conceptual model into initial relational schemas, normalizing the initial relational schemas, and defining the relationship patterns.
In addition to the model design, the course also covers the analysis of the self-selected market management system. This analysis includes the organization structure design, business processes (such as procurement, sales, inventory management, and financial processes), data processes (using top-down, inside-out, outside-in, and layer-by-layer structured analysis), and the creation of a data dictionary to define the data flows, storage, processing, and elements.
Overall, the course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to design, develop, and implement efficient management information systems for small-scale self-selected markets. Through the completion of the database design document, students gain practical experience in applying theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, thus preparing them for careers in MIS and database management."
2023-05-31 上传
2022-07-09 上传
2023-06-30 上传
124 浏览量
2022-06-04 上传
2022-06-17 上传