Unity Behavior Designer v1.6.8全功能集合包

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资源摘要信息: "Behavior Designer v1.6.8四合一" Behavior Designer是一款流行的Unity插件,它为开发者提供了一套行为树(Behavior Trees)解决方案,用于创建复杂的人工智能(AI)系统。行为树是一种用来构建AI的常用模式,它通过树状结构来组织行为,非常适合用来控制非玩家角色(NPC)的行为逻辑。在这次的版本中,我们得到了四个不同功能的包合集,它们分别是: 1. Behavior Designer - Behavior Trees for Everyone 1.6.8.unitypackage: 这是核心包,提供了基础的行为树编辑器和运行时,允许开发者构建自定义的行为树。通过这个包,即使是Unity的初学者也能够通过可视化的界面创建AI,而无需深入了解底层逻辑。它包括了行为树的基本构建块,如任务节点(tasks)、装饰节点(decoration)、子树(sub-trees)等。 2. Behavior Designer - Formations Pack 1.2.1.unitypackage: 形状包专门用于处理角色的编队行为。它允许开发者轻松地为NPC创建各种形状编队,例如行、列、圆形、菱形或自定义形状。这在制作战术游戏或者需要角色跟随特定移动模式的游戏中非常有用。有了这个包,开发者可以快速实现复杂的编队逻辑,增加游戏的可玩性和观赏性。 3. Behavior Designer - Movement Pack 1.5.6.unitypackage: 移动包专注于角色的移动行为。它提供了一系列易于配置的移动任务,使得角色能够根据行为树的指令进行精确和复杂的移动。这包括巡逻、追逐、逃避、跟随路径等行为。开发者无需深入编写移动算法,就可以实现流畅和智能的角色移动。 4. Behavior Designer - Tactical Pack 1.3.1.unitypackage: 战术包为游戏提供了战术决策能力。它能够使NPC基于当前环境和情况作出战术选择。比如,角色可以根据敌人的状态选择攻击还是撤退,或者决定使用何种武器。这个包使得AI在面对玩家时显得更加聪明和具有挑战性,为游戏增加了策略性。 这些包合集共同为Unity开发者提供了一套完整的工具集,用于创建具有高度复杂性和反应性的AI。通过行为树的设计,开发者可以将复杂的游戏逻辑拆分成小的、可管理的子任务,并且可以直观地看到它们是如何组合在一起工作的。这种模块化的设计使得AI的调试和迭代变得更为容易。 使用这些工具,开发者可以创建出具有深度和个性的角色,而不需要深入研究复杂的编程逻辑。更重要的是,Behavior Designer的可视化编辑器极大地提高了开发效率,允许团队成员之间更容易地沟通和协作。 总的来说,Behavior Designer v1.6.8四合一是一个强大的工具,无论对于独立游戏开发者还是大型游戏工作室,它都能够帮助他们提升游戏AI的质量,使得游戏更加吸引人、更具挑战性。通过这四个包,开发者可以灵活地构建出符合游戏需求的AI行为,从而提升玩家的游戏体验。
2017-09-13 上传
This extension requires one license per seat Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher. Behavior trees are used by AAA studios to create a lifelike AI. With Behavior Designer, you can bring the power of behaviour trees to Unity! Behavior Designer is a behaviour tree implementation designed for everyone - programmers, artists, designers. Behavior Designer offers an intuitive visual editor with a powerful API allowing you to easily create new tasks. It also includes hundreds of tasks, PlayMaker integration, and extensive third party integration making it possible to create complex AIs without having to write a single line of code! Behavior Designer was designed from the ground up to be as efficient as possible with zero allocations after initialization. As a result, it runs great on all platforms including mobile. Behavior Designer is dedicated to behavior trees, which means that each update will be a better behavior tree implementation. Features: - An intuitive visual editor - A powerful API - Visual runtime debugger - Variables to communicate between tasks - Conditional Aborts - Built in event system - Unity 5 multiplayer support - Use existing code with reflection tasks - Hundreds of tasks - Evaluate tasks using Utility Theory - Realtime error detection - Binary or JSON serialization - Data-oriented design - Zero runtime allocations after startup - Object drawers (property drawers) - Includes runtime source code - Extensive documentation and videos - Sample projects available online - And more Addon Packs: - Formations Pack - Movement Pack - Tactical Pack Complete Projects: - Deathmatch AI Kit Third Party Integrations: - 2D Toolkit - A* Pathfinding Project (Movement Pack) - Adventure Creator - Anti-Cheat Toolkit - Apex Path (Movement Pack) - Blox - Camera Path Animator - Chronos - Cinema Director - Control Freak - Core GameKit - Curvy - Dialogue System - DOTween - Final IK - Glow Effect - ICode - Inventory Pro - LeanTween - Love/Hate - Master Audio - NGUI - Particl
2014-01-26 上传