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"对高功率单频倍频激光器中TGG晶体热透镜效应的研究" 本文是一篇关于研究论文的摘要,主要探讨了在高功率单频倍频激光器中,铽镓石榴石(TGG)晶体的热透镜效应。热透镜效应是固体激光器中的一个重要现象,当激光介质被激发并产生热量时,会导致介质内部折射率的非均匀变化,形成类似透镜的效果,从而影响激光器的光束质量和输出功率。 研究人员进行了理论分析和实验测量,采用自制的单频 Nd:YVO4 激光器作为研究平台。在实验中,他们观察到TGG晶体的热透镜效应对激光输出功率的影响。通过调整腔内反射镜M3和M4(位于第二谐波发生器两侧的两个平凹镜)之间的距离,可以优化输出功率。这种调整有助于减小热透镜效应带来的负面影响,从而实现更高的激光效率。 实验结果显示,他们成功获得了532纳米波长、输出功率为18.7瓦的单频激光。激光功率稳定性在5小时内保持在±0.4%以内,光束质量因子M²值为1.08,这表明激光束的质量良好。同时,研究人员还注意到在增加或减少激光功率时,激光器表现出类似双稳态的现象,这是激光动力学中的一种复杂行为,可能与热透镜效应及其引起的激光腔内光学非线性相互作用有关。 这一研究对于理解高功率激光系统中的热管理问题具有重要意义,对于优化激光器设计,提高其性能和稳定性,以及在精密光学应用中避免热效应造成的不良影响提供了理论依据和实验参考。通过深入探究TGG晶体的热透镜效应,未来有可能开发出更高效、更稳定的单频倍频激光器,应用于诸如激光加工、光通信、医学成像和科学研究等多个领域。

Heatwaves impose serious impacts on ecosystems, human health, agriculture, and energy consumption. Previous studies have classified heatwaves into independent daytime, independent nighttime, and compound daytime-nighttime types, and examined the long-term changes in the three types. However, the underlying mechanisms associated with the variations in different heatwave types remain poorly understood. Here we present the first investigation of the local physical processes associated with the daytime, nighttime, and compound heatwaves over the global land during 1979–2020. The results show that three heatwave types occur frequently and increasingly in most regions worldwide. Nighttime and compound heatwaves exhibit stronger increases in both frequency (the yearly number of the events) and fraction (the ratio of the yearly number of one heatwave type to the total yearly number of all types) than daytime heatwaves. Composite diagnostic analyses of local meteorological variables suggest that daytime heatwaves are associated with increased solar radiation under dry conditions and reduced cloud cover and humidity under a clear sky. In contrast, nighttime heatwaves are typically accompanied by moist conditions with increases in cloud fraction, humidity, and longwave radiation at night. These synoptic conditions for daytime and nighttime heatwaves are combined to contribute to compound heatwaves. Local divergences and moisture fluxes responsible for different heatwaves are further revealed. Positive moisture divergence anomalies are seen in most land areas for daytime and compound heatwaves, while they mainly appear in low latitudes for nighttime heatwaves. Our research provides a comprehensive understanding of the local mechanisms of different heatwave types, informing future risks and impact assessments.分析语言特征

2023-06-08 上传