
0 下载量 175 浏览量 更新于2024-02-29 收藏 2.62MB DOCX 举报
The method proposed in "基于旋转光栅投影的动态三维面形测量方法.docx" addresses the challenge of measuring the 3D shape of dynamic isolated scenes. The paper introduces the temporal Fourier fringe analysis method, which leverages the modulation of the projected multi-period phase-shifted fringes by the dynamic scene. This approach allows for the extraction of phase information for 3D reconstruction, effectively preserving the spatial high-frequency information of complex scenes. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the phase information, the paper designs a three-frequency composite disk grating that is rotationally projected onto the scene surface using an electric motor. This setup generates multi-period phase-shifted fringes for the measurement, without the need for spatial domain filtering operations. The three-frequency fringe analysis enables temporal phase unwrapping and is suitable for measuring isolated objects. Every frame of recorded fringe images corresponds to a reconstructed 3D result, making this method applicable to dynamic scene measurement. The paper further describes the validation experiments conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed method and system. In summary, the temporal Fourier fringe analysis method presented in "基于旋转光栅投影的动态三维面形测量方法.docx" provides an effective solution for measuring the 3D shape of dynamic isolated scenes. The use of a three-frequency composite disk grating and rotational projection ensures the accurate extraction of phase information, leading to reliable 3D reconstructions. The validation experiments confirm the practicality and feasibility of the proposed approach and system.