"人工智能探索:软件工程专业本科毕业论文 中英文对照与翻译比较分析"
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收藏 394KB DOC 举报
"The Quest for Artificial Intelligence" by Nils J. Nilsson explores the field of artificial intelligence, focusing on natural language processing in Chapter 7. Natural language processing involves the recognition of specific letters, words, sentences, and larger text combinations in languages such as English. Distinguishing between natural languages like English and machine languages is crucial in understanding and processing human language. This chapter delves into various methods for understanding and processing natural language, including transforming it into memory models such as the SIR system used by Raphael or semantic networks used by Quillian. The goal is to effectively translate human language into machine-readable formats for improved communication and interaction. In essence, natural language processing plays a vital role in the development and advancement of artificial intelligence, bridging the gap between human language and machine understanding."
342 浏览量
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