
需积分: 9 2 下载量 155 浏览量 更新于2024-04-13 收藏 832KB DOC 举报
This document describes the Edge Architecture of NGOD, specifically focusing on the Edge Server Sub-Architecture. The Edge Server Sub-Architecture is defined as the last mile of the Video On Demand (VOD) system, where content is delivered to end users. The Edge Architecture is crucial for ensuring smooth and efficient delivery of content to users. It involves a network of edge servers located closer to end users, reducing latency and improving overall performance. These servers cache popular content, allowing for faster access and reducing the load on the central servers. The Edge Server Sub-Architecture of NGOD includes various components such as caching servers, load balancers, and content delivery networks (CDNs). Caching servers store frequently accessed content locally, reducing the need to retrieve data from the central servers every time. Load balancers distribute incoming traffic evenly across multiple servers, ensuring optimal performance and availability. CDNs help in delivering content efficiently by storing copies of the content at various edge locations. Overall, the Edge Server Sub-Architecture plays a crucial role in enhancing the end user experience by reducing latency, improving delivery speed, and ensuring high availability of content. It is an integral part of NGOD's architecture, providing a scalable and reliable infrastructure for delivering video on demand services. In conclusion, the Edge Server Sub-Architecture of NGOD is a key component in the overall architecture of the platform. By optimizing the last mile delivery of content to end users, it ensures a seamless and efficient video on demand experience. With the use of caching servers, load balancers, and CDNs, NGOD's Edge Architecture sets the foundation for a high-performance and reliable VOD system.