Research Article
Rate-Distortion and Rate-Energy-Distortion Evaluations of
Compressive-Sensing Video Coding
Bingyu Ji, Ran Li, and Changan Wu
School of Computer and Information Technology, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Ran Li; liran@.com
Received 21 December 2016; Accepted 7 March 2017; Published 16 March 2017
cademic Editor: Jintao Wang
Copyright © Bingyu Ji et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Compressive-Sensing Video Coding (CSVC) is a new video coding framework based on compressive-sensing (CS) theory. is
paper presents the evaluations on rate-distortion performance and rate-energy-distortion performance of CSVC by comparing
it with the popular hybrid video coding standard H. and distributed video coding (DVC) system DISCOVER. Experimental
results show that CSVC achieves a poor rate-distortion performance when compared with H. and DISCOVER, but its rate-
energy-distortion performance has a distinct advantage; moreover, its energy consumption of coding is approximately invariant
regardless of reconstruction quality. It can be concluded that, with a limited energy budget, CSVC outperforms H. and
DISCOVER, but its rate-distortion performance still needs improvement.
1. Introduction
Video communication is an important type of data commu-
nication. Compression coding must be done before high-
dimensional video signal is transmitted in channels with
limited bandwidth. erefore, video compression coding has
become a hot research topic in digital video communication.
e international video coding standard H. [], jointly
developed by ISO/IEC and the ITU-T, has been widely used
in various video technologies, and H. has achieved great
commercial success. H. standard uses motion estima-
tion and discrete cosine transform to eliminate temporal
and spatial redundancy of video sequences, and its coding
complexity is much greater than decoding complexity. For
instance, when the test sequence Foreman with CIF format
is processed by H. codec, the encoding time is about to
times as long as the decoding time in dierent quantization
steps, which means that H. has strong applicability for the
situation of one coding and multiple decoding, such as video
broadcasting and video on demand. For the wireless com-
munication equipment, long-time encoding means reduced
economics and practicality; therefore, video coding method
with low coding complexity is needed as an alternative. In
this case, DVC [], which was rst proposed by Wyner
and Ziv in information coding theory [], has received
widespread attention. In the initial stage of DVC research,
the main codec algorithms include Wyner-Ziv video coding
[], PRISM video coding [], hierarchical Wyner-Ziv video
coding [], and DVC scheme based on wavelet coding [].
With an aim of improving coding performance, European
Union scientic research institutions put forward special
research plan, and, based on the existing research, develop
a DVC standard program called DISCOVER (DIStributed
COding for Video sERvices) []. DISCOVER makes the low-
complexity video coding performance further enhanced. But
the feedback channel [] and the virtual channel [] in
DISCOVER scheme are highly controversial, which is an
important engineering problem hindering its popularization
and application. CS theory [–] combined with video
coding has led to the emergence of a new low-complexity
video coding scheme called CSVC []. e scheme still
retains the distributed characteristics and does not depend on
feedback channel or virtual channel and has great engineer-
ing application potential, which has attracted many scholars’
attention [–].
At present, there is still a lack of discussion on the
comparison of rate-distortion performance between CSVC,
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
Volume 2017, Article ID 4589124, 8 pages