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The C language function library is a comprehensive collection of C standard library, IO functions, character processing functions, string functions, mathematical functions, time and date functions, and other common functions, which includes hundreds of commonly used C language functions. The "C语言函数库详解.doc" document provides a detailed introduction and explanation of the function prototypes, detailed functions, and usage examples of commonly used function libraries.
The commonly used standard header files in C language include:
1. <assert.h>: diagnostics
2. <ctype.h>: character classification testing
3. <errno.h>: error handling
4. <limits.h>: integer constants
5. <locale.h>: locale environment
6. <math.h>: mathematical functions
7. <setjmp.h>: non-local jumps
8. <signal.h>: signals
9. <stdarg.h>: variable argument lists
10. <stddef.h>: common definitions
11. <stdio.h>: input and output
12. <stdlib.h>: utility functions
13. <time.h>: date and time functions
The "C语言函数库详解.doc" document is organized into chapters, with the first chapter focusing on the C standard library. It provides detailed explanations and examples of the following:
- <assert.h>: diagnostics
- <ctype.h>: character classification testing
This document serves as a valuable resource for C language programmers, offering in-depth explanations and examples of the various functions available in the C language function library. It is an essential guide for anyone looking to understand and utilize the power of C language functions in their programming projects.
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