
需积分: 9 57 下载量 70 浏览量 更新于2024-07-20 2 收藏 25.53MB PDF 举报
"Cloud Native Go 是一本面向开发者的技术书籍,由 Kevin Hoffman 和 Dan Nemeth 合著,旨在介绍如何利用 Go 语言构建大规模的云原生应用,以满足现代客户对高可扩展性和可靠性的需求。书中深入探讨了构建云原生应用的关键因素、原则和实践,同时特别强调了 Go 语言在云开发中的优势。书中还涵盖了使用 ReactJS 和 Flux 创建前端 web 组件,以及通过 Wercker、Docker 和 Dockerhub 构建持续交付管道等高级技术。作者还教导读者如何将应用程序自动推送到领先的云平台,并系统地监控生产环境中的应用程序性能。" 在这本书中,读者可以了解到: 1. **云原生应用的概念**:云原生应用是指设计成能在云环境中动态扩展,适应大规模数据、流量和用户需求的应用。它们通常采用微服务架构,具有高度的可伸缩性、弹性和容错能力。 2. **Go 语言在云开发中的优势**:Go 语言被赞誉为“简单而优雅”的高性能语言,适合于构建云原生应用。它的并发模型、内存管理以及简洁的语法使得它在处理分布式系统时尤为高效。 3. **微服务架构**:书中会引导读者用 Go 语言创建微服务,这是一种将大型应用分解为小型、独立的服务的方法,每个服务都可以单独部署和扩展,以提高整体系统的灵活性和可靠性。 4. **前端技术**:除了 Go 语言,作者还将介绍如何结合 ReactJS 和 Flux 框架来构建前端组件,提供用户友好的界面,以及实现数据流的管理。 5. **持续交付**:通过 Wercker、Docker 和 Dockerhub 等工具,学习如何构建持续集成和持续交付(CI/CD)的流程,确保代码的快速迭代和高质量部署。 6. **自动化部署**:了解如何自动将应用程序推送到像 AWS、Google Cloud 或 Azure 这样的云平台,以实现快速部署和全球扩展。 7. **监控与性能**:学习如何利用各种工具系统地监控应用在生产环境中的性能,以便及时发现并解决问题,确保服务的稳定性和可用性。 8. **案例研究**:书中可能包含具体的案例研究,展示了云原生应用在实际场景中的应用和挑战,帮助读者更好地理解和应用这些理论知识。 这本书的内容覆盖了从基础到高级的云原生应用开发,无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益。通过学习和实践,你可以掌握构建高效、可扩展且可靠的云应用所需的知识和技能。
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Cloud Native programming with Golang: Develop microservice-based high performance web apps for the cloud with Go Discover practical techniques to build cloud-native apps that are scalable, reliable, and always available. Cloud computing and microservices are two very important concepts in modern software architecture. They represent key skills that ambitious software engineers need to acquire in order to design and build software applications capable of performing and scaling. Go is a modern cross-platform programming language that is very powerful yet simple; it is an excellent choice for microservices and cloud applications. Go is gaining more and more popularity, and becoming a very attractive skill.. The book will take you on a journey into the world of microservices and cloud computing with the help of Go. It will start by covering the software architectural patterns of cloud applications, as well as practical concepts regarding how to scale, distribute, and deploy those applications. You will also learn how to build a JavaScript-based front-end for your application, using TypeScript and React. From there, we dive into commercial cloud offerings by covering AWS. Finally, we conclude our book by providing some overviews of other concepts and technologies that the reader can explore to move from where the book leaves off. What You Will Learn Understand modern software applications architectures Build secure microservices that can effectively communicate with other services Get to know about event-driven architectures by diving into message queues such as Kafka, Rabbitmq, and AWS SQS. Understand key modern database technologies such as MongoDB, and Amazon’s DynamoDB Leverage the power of containers Explore Amazon cloud services fundamentals Know how to utilize the power of the Go language to access key services in the Amazon cloud such as S3, SQS, DynamoDB and more. Build front-end applications using ReactJS with Go Implement CD for modern applications
2023-11-21 上传