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"Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding.pdf" 本书是关于数字视频图像质量和感知编码的专业著作,适合对视频编码感兴趣的学者和学生参考学习。它深入探讨了如何在信号处理和通信领域中优化视频质量,并考虑人类视觉系统的感知特性进行高效编码。以下是书中的关键知识点: 1. **图像质量评估**:书中详细介绍了评估数字视频质量的各种方法,包括主观评价(如双盲测试、SSIM、VQM等)和客观评价(如PSNR、MS-SSIM、VIF等)。这些指标帮助我们量化视频编码后的失真程度。 2. **感知编码**:基于人类视觉系统的特性,感知编码旨在减少对人眼不敏感的图像信息,从而在保持视觉质量的同时降低数据传输量。书中有专门章节讨论了如何利用这些特性来设计高效的编码算法。 3. **视频压缩技术**:涵盖了国际标准如MPEG系列(MPEG-1、MPEG-2、MPEG-4)和H.26x系列(H.261、H.264/AVC、H.265/HEVC),以及新兴的VVC(Versatile Video Coding)标准。这些标准都涉及了如何通过熵编码、运动估计和补偿、帧内预测等技术来实现高效率的视频压缩。 4. **网络传输**:考虑到视频在网络中的传输,书里讨论了网络带宽限制下的适应性编码策略,如自适应比特率控制和错误恢复技术,以确保视频在不同网络条件下的流畅播放。 5. **多媒体系统**:介绍了如何将视频编码集成到多媒体系统中,涉及到处理器架构、存储需求、实时处理挑战等方面,以及如何在多标准环境中实现互操作性。 6. **实时与嵌入式应用**:对于实时和嵌入式环境中的视频编码,书中可能会涵盖低延迟编码、硬件加速方案以及在资源受限设备上的优化技术。 7. **信号处理**:深入讲解了滤波、降噪、信源信道联合编码等信号处理技术在视频编码中的应用,这些都是提升图像质量和降低编码复杂度的关键。 8. **intersymbol interference (ISI) 抑制**:在高速通信中,ISI是一个常见问题,书中的"Modulated Coding for Intersymbol Interference Channels"章节可能探讨了如何通过调制编码技术来减少这种干扰,提高视频传输质量。 9. **语音处理**:虽然主要集中在视频上,但书中的"Digital Speech Processing"章节可能也涉及了与音频相关的编码技术,这些技术在多媒体应用中同样重要。 《Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding》是一本综合性的指南,涵盖了从图像质量评估到实际编码策略,再到系统集成和网络传输的多个方面,是理解和提升视频编码技术的宝贵资源。
2013-01-21 上传
The hand is quicker than the eye. In many cases, so is digital video. Maintaining image quality in bandwidth - and memory - restricted environments is quickly becoming a reality as thriving research delves ever deeper into perceptual coding techniques, which discard superfluous data that humans cannot process or detect. Surveying the topic from a Human Visual System (HVS)-based approach, "Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding" outlines the principles, metrics, and standards associated with perceptual coding, as well as the latest techniques and applications. This book is divided broadly into three parts. First, it introduces the fundamental theory, concepts, principles, and techniques underlying the field, such as the basics of compression, HVS modeling, and coding artefacts associated with current well-known techniques. The next section focuses on picture quality assessment criteria; subjective and objective methods and metrics, including vision model based digital video impairment metrics; testing procedures; and international standards regarding image quality. Finally, practical applications come into focus, including digital image and video coder designs based on the HVS as well as post-filtering, restoration, error correction, and concealment techniques. The permeation of digital images and video throughout the world cannot be understated. Nor can the importance of preserving quality while using minimal storage space, and "Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding" provides the tools necessary to accomplish this goal.