Fig. 2: Different types of path abstraction. In the figure, a, b, c,
and d are constants.
but, unfortunately, still resorts to inefficient mutation to speed
up the exploration of the input space. The lack of effective
guidance to mutation makes their approaches excessively rely
on the heavy-weight constraint solving to achieve a high
coverage rate. First, given a seed input discovered by solving
constraints, randomly mutating it would easily invalidate its
associated path constraints that have already been conquered
by constraint solvers, wasting the computation in exploring
the nearby nested branches. For example, suppose we have
leveraged a solver to obtain a seed input (v = 20, w = 5, x =
3, y = 4, z = 30), which satisfies the predicate at Line 3. Any
new inputs generated by mutating the variables x and y make it
difficult to explore the successive branches at Line 4 and Line
8. Second, with the growth of the nested level of conditional
statements, the path constraints become increasingly restricted,
which makes the mutation less and less efficient. For example,
the predicate (z > 195) at the nested conditional statement of
Line 4 is not difficult to be satisfied by mutation. However,
the path constraint that conjuncts with the predicates at Line
3 and Line 4 (i.e., x = 3 ∧ y = 4 ∧ 195 < z < 200) becomes
challenging for mutation. Even though we already have a seed
input (v = 20, w = 5, x = 3, y = 4, z = 30) and only consider
mutating the variable z, the probability of generating a feasible
input to reach the condition at Line 4 is around 100/2
, and
the probability to cover the true-branch of the predicate at Line
4 decreases to 4 /2
B. Polyhedral Path Abstraction
In this work, we use the notion “path abstraction” to denote
an approximation of a path constraint. In the existing litera-
ture, many different abstractions have been studied, such as
interval [32], octagon [33], and polyhedral [34]. As illustrated
in Figure 2, the interval abstraction only contains the value
ranges of each variable. The octagon abstraction is in the form
x + k
y ≤ b, where x and y are the variables in the path
constraints and k
∈ {0, ±1}. The polyhedral abstraction is in
a more general form where k
∈ Z. In Figure 2, the black dots
represent all feasible values satisfying a given path constraint,
whereas the crosses represent the infeasible ones. The path
abstraction is the region bounded by the lines representing
multiple linear inequalities.
All the path abstractions approximate non-linear formula in
the given path constraints. All these abstractions are sound,
Fig. 3: Architecture of PANGOLIN
because the regions cover all the black dots. However, they
have different levels of the precision. According to the recent
studies [35], [36], the polyhedral abstraction has the best
precision. The example in the Figure 2 also demonstrates the
best performance of the polyhedral abstraction, as only two
infeasible values are confused by the polyhedron.
We further present the properties of the path abstraction
required by a fuzzer and detail how to convert a path constraint
into a polyhedral path abstraction in Section IV-A.
In this section, we describe the design philosophy of re-
alizing PANGOLIN and illustrate the workflow of PANGOLIN
shown in Figure 3. PANGOLIN is essentially a hybrid fuzzing
technique. It shares the typical components as the conventional
hybrid fuzzing techniques that have been briefly introduced in
Section II, such as seeds prioritization and tracing. We focus
on our discussion on the following ideas.
A. Path Abstraction Inference
We first identify the uncovered branches in fuzzing and
deliver them to the concolic execution engine to proceed.
Different from the concolic execution in the conventional
hybrid fuzzing which invokes the constraint solver to directly
obtain a feasible solution, PANGOLIN constructs a summary of
these uncovered branches, which we denote as the polyhedral
path abstraction. The polyhedral path abstraction describes
a sound search space of the feasible inputs with respect to
the path constraints, which is used to guide the mutation of
the seeds and speed up the solving of the subsequent path
constraints. We explain how to construct a polyhedral path
abstraction in Section IV-A.
B. Constrained Mutation
As the polyhedral path abstraction renders a bounded range
of the input variables with respect to the path constraint of a
path prefix, by sampling from such bounded search space, we
are able to quickly generate a large number of new inputs that
still satisfy this path constraint and, meanwhile, to explore the
subsequent paths sharing the same path prefix. Specifically,
in this work, we adapt an existing sampling technique, the
Dikin walk algorithm [15], to generate new inputs (See Section