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资源摘要信息:"TeeChart.Pro.v5.ActiveX.zip文件包含了TeeChart.Pro.v5.ActiveX组件,这是一个著名的ActiveX控件,用于在使用MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)进行开发的应用程序中绘制图表和图形。ActiveX是一种由微软公司开发的,基于COM(Component Object Model)技术的接口技术,它允许软件组件通过Internet Explorer浏览器或其它支持ActiveX技术的程序进行交互。TeeChart.Pro.v5.ActiveX控件主要用于MFC应用程序中,帮助开发者轻松地实现图表绘制功能,使得数据展示更为直观和美观。 ActiveX技术在1996年由微软推出,它的出现极大地方便了Windows平台上的软件开发。ActiveX控件可以被嵌入到网页中,也可以在Windows应用程序中使用,实现丰富的交互式功能。使用ActiveX控件,开发者无需从零开始编写大量的底层代码,就可以快速实现复杂的功能模块。 TeeChart.Pro.v5是TeeChart图表控件的第五个专业版本,它支持多种图表类型,例如线形图、柱状图、饼图、散点图、曲面图等。这些图表类型可以展示不同类型的数据,帮助用户从多角度分析数据。此外,TeeChart.Pro.v5支持自定义模板和样式,可以根据不同的业务需求和审美标准来定制图表的外观。 MFC是微软推出的一个C++库,它为Windows API的使用提供了一个封装层,使得开发者能够利用C++的强大功能来创建Windows应用程序。MFC程序中集成ActiveX控件,可以将TeeChart.Pro.v5 ActiveX控件添加到MFC的对话框中,通过控件的属性、方法和事件,编程人员可以控制图表的生成和显示。这为开发具有复杂用户界面的应用程序提供了便利,尤其是在财务分析、科学计算、工程绘图等数据密集型应用中。 在使用TeeChart.Pro.v5.ActiveX控件时,开发者可以通过多种方式配置和管理图表属性,比如直接在Visual C++的开发环境中拖放控件,或者通过编程设置属性来定制图表。此外,TeeChart.Pro.v5.ActiveX还支持数据绑定,开发者可以将数据源直接绑定到图表控件,这样图表就可以动态反映数据的变化。 值得注意的是,由于ActiveX控件是基于COM技术的,因此它们具有良好的可重用性和互操作性。开发者可以在不同的应用程序中使用同一个ActiveX控件,并且可以跨语言(如C++、VB等)重用。这大大简化了不同应用程序之间组件的共享和集成。 最后,TeeChart.Pro.v5.ActiveX控件需要正确注册在系统中才能被MFC应用程序使用。开发者应当在应用程序安装或初始化阶段调用相应的注册方法,以确保控件可以在运行时被正确加载和显示。"


=========================================== TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018 MS .NET COMPATIBILITY Copyright (c) 1997-2018 by Steema Software SL All Rights Reserved. http://www.steema.com email: info@steema.com supportx@steema.com =========================================== Document updated: June 2004 TeeChart Pro Activex Control MS Visual Studio .NET compatibility notes =========================================== Please see the release.txt release notes for bugfix and feature information about this release. =========================================== Changes for NET compatibility - The Chart.Series(xx) read-only property has been replaced by a Function method (affects only code written in VC++ and similar languages that make direct reference to Get_ and Set_ of properties). The new Series method (called Series) changes visibly by removal of the property 'Get_' element of the Function. The change is required due to a current MS.NET import restriction causing non-import of ActiveX properties that have an index parameter (only affects the root level of controls !). For a VB application no code change is necessary. Please see the following notes for other environments. The original property has been hidden in the interface and renamed to aSeries keeping its existing Dispid to support backward compatibility with applications compiled with previous releases of TeeChart 5. - The TChart OnSeriesBeforeAdd method uses a boolean variable called 'Continue'. "continue" is a keyword in C# (the language used to interim compile TeeChart namespace information in .NET). This had caused an import problem with the earlier releases of Visual Studio .NET. As a precaution we have chosen to rename the parameter to 'MoreValues' for the TeeChart Pro ActiveX Control. Notes on use: ------------- - Constant names in NET require full reference by default: eg. AxTChart1.AddSeries(TeeChart.ESeriesClass.scLine) Upgrading existing projects: ---------------------------- Upgrading existing Visual Studio projects works without manual intervention in code for most simple projects. Notable points relating to import: VISUAL BASIC project: ===================== - Designtime saved content of a Chart does not always successfully import to a NET project. We recommend you open the project first in its current environment (eg. Visual Basic v6) and provoke a change in the Chart and resave the project. That will update the saved frx Chart information data to v5.0.3. Then save the Chart content as a tee file by right-clicking the Chart and selecting 'Export'. Some projects 'may' then import the saved Chart correctly without further steps required. If the Chart content doesn't import successfully then right-click on the Chart and import the saved tee file. If the project fails to import, clear the Chart content after saving it to tee (remove and replace the Chart with an empty one) and re-import following the above step to later import the saved tee file. - Calls to interfaces not supported. In Visual Studio v6 and prior versions, it was possible to connect components by interface. eg. TeeCommander.Chart=TChart1 This is no longer possible. You should use the integer link: eg. TeeCommander.ChartLink=TChart1.ChartLink - Colour definition requires update TeeChart colours map as UInt32 when imported to NET. The colour definition when applied takes the following form: .Labels.Font.Color = System.Convert.ToUInt32(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Cyan)) - Some event syntax is incorrect on import. Notably the Mouse events which are 'duplicated' by default NET appointed events. If you find event syntax to be incorrect, modify the syntax as follows: eg. Private Sub TChart1_OnMouseUpEvent(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, _ ByVal eventArgs As AxTeeChart.ITChartEvents_OnMouseUpEvent) _ Handles TChart1.OnMouseUp 'do something End Sub - Some form object (eg. Checkbox) events may fire before the Chart is loaded. That didn't occur in VB6 and will require a workaround in VB.NET if Chart properties are referenced in this way at Form load. eg. taken from VB Drag Points example: 'Check1.CheckStateChanged may fire when form is intialized Private Sub Check1_CheckStateChanged(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, _ ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) _ Handles Check1.CheckStateChan ' switch 2D / 3D view... TChart1.Aspect.View3D = Check1.CheckState ' enable scroll-bar only in 3D... HScroll1.Enabled = Check1.CheckState End Sub In the above event the View3D line will fail as the Chart isn't yet loaded when the event is called. An option to workaround it may be to set a boolean 'OK_To_Run' variable to set after the first Chart Repaint. eg. OK_To_Run false on load and set to true in Form_Load event after Chart is populated, etc. Private Sub Check1_CheckStateChanged(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, _ ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) _ Handles Check1.CheckStateChan ' switch 2D / 3D view... If OK_To_Run = True Then TChart1.Aspect.View3D = Check1.CheckState End if ' enable scroll-bar only in 3D... HScroll1.Enabled = Check1.CheckState End Sub Microsoft recommend a similar step (add a IsInitializing property to the Form). We'll be taking a closer look at these issues to see if we can recommend less demanding steps to resolve them. VISUAL C++ project: ===================== The Series declaration has changed. The easiest way to upgrade the project is to import TeeChart classes before upgrading the project to .NET. 1. All references to 'GetSeries(xx)' should be changed to 'Series(xx)' That will call the new Series method that returns the Series Interface (just as the predecesor property did). The Series property has been name changed to aSeries, retaining its DispId to support existing compiled applications. 2. The following is handled automatically if you import the TeeChart classes. For reference, the following changes occur to the Series declaration. *Note you should not need to do anything if you import TeeChart to your project. a) In the TChart.h Class header file the GetSeries declaration changes to: CSeries Series(long SeriesIndex); b) In the TChart.cpp Class impl. file the GetSeries declaration changes to: CSeries CTChart::Series(long SeriesIndex) { LPDISPATCH pDispatch; static BYTE parms[] = VTS_I4; InvokeHelper(0x14, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_DISPATCH, (void*)&pDispatch;, parms, SeriesIndex); return CSeries(pDispatch); } Projects should then compile without issue. =========================================== Use of Strong Named Assemblies =========================================== If you compile Strong Named Assemblies then imported ActiveX Controls must also be Strong Named. The Utilities folder contains a Strong Name compiled version of: \Utilities\VS.NET\Strong Named DLLs - AxInterop.TeeChart.dll - TeeChart.dll They may be used to replace the automatically generated AxInterop.TeeChart.dll and Interop.TeeChart.dll created when TeeChart AX is added to a Windows Form. You should remove auto-generated dlls from the references list in the project Solution Explorer and from the Obj folder of the project and Debug or Release Bin folder. Then copy in the new Dlls to Obj and Bin folders and reference the new Dlls from their Obj folder location. =========================================== Please send us details about any other issues found to: http://www.teechart.net/support/modules.php?name=Forums Many thanks ! =========================================== http://www.steema.com support: http://www.teechart.net/support/modules.php?name=Forums -------------------------------------------
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