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networking, and informatization, with the network as the core of society. Chinese netizens fully appreciate the joy brought by "traveling between heaven and earth, with no limits on the network". With the rapid development of the Internet, the application of the network is becoming increasingly widespread, such as e-commerce, e-government, online medical care, online entertainment, online games, online education, etc. The topic of this graduation design is the online flower shop system. This paper systematically elaborates the content of the graduation design, and the system's functions and implementation of the entire online flower shop system. It implements the entire process of online shopping, from product management, product classification and query, to shopping cart implementation, user order processing, and system management. It basically realizes the function flow of online shopping, and can facilitate the online trading of goods between users and merchants. The interface of this system is simple and intuitive, easy to operate and use, and highly interactive, completely based on the Internet network. After analysis, using SUN's JSP development tool, and utilizing its various object-oriented development tools, especially the data window which intelligently manipulates the database in a convenient and concise manner. Firstly, a system application prototype was established in a short period of time, and then, the initial prototype system underwent iterative requirements, continuously amended and improved, until a satisfactory feasible system was formed. Keywords: JSP, online flower shop, SQL Server 2000."
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