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In the second chapter of the book "C Primer Plus (Fifth Edition)", we are introduced to the basic concepts of programming in the C language. As part of the learning process, the chapter includes various exercises to reinforce the understanding of the topics covered. One of the exercises in the chapter is Programming Exercise 2-1. This exercise requires the reader to write a C program that displays their name and address using the printf() function. The exercise is designed to introduce the basics of output formatting and the printf() function. To solve this exercise, the reader needs to create a new C file and include the necessary header files. They should then write a main() function that contains the code for displaying the name and address using the printf() function. The printf() function takes a format string as an argument, which specifies how the output should be formatted. In this exercise, the format string should include the escape sequences "\n" to start a new line and "\t" to insert a tab character. These escape sequences help in formatting the output in a neat and organized manner. The reader should replace the placeholders in the format string with their name and address. Once the code is written, the reader can compile and run the program to see the output. If everything is done correctly, the program should display the name and address as intended. Completing this exercise helps the reader practice using the printf() function and understand the basics of output formatting. It also introduces them to the concept of escape sequences and their role in C programming. Overall, Programming Exercise 2-1 in the book "C Primer Plus (Fifth Edition)" is a simple yet effective exercise that helps beginners get hands-on experience with output formatting and the printf() function. By successfully completing this exercise, readers gain confidence in their ability to write and display formatted output in C programming.