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The latest version of the intelligent water dispenser control system designed in this graduation project is an innovative solution to meet the essential needs of modern living. Water dispensers have become indispensable household appliances in our daily lives. Traditionally, water dispensers only provided simple heating or cooling functions, while more advanced models offered temperature control, but at a higher cost. Therefore, this design focuses on creating a cost-effective yet powerful intelligent water dispenser system. Utilizing a microcontroller, it not only controls water temperature but also displays it on an LCD screen, providing a user-friendly interface for interaction. Users can easily select different modes such as brewing tea or making coffee using the keypad. The design also includes measures to address unexpected situations, such as low water level in the tank preventing the heating function, with the system issuing audible and visual warnings to ensure safety for both users and the system.
This design emphasizes user safety and convenience, aiming to provide a seamless user experience. The high level of intelligence in this design enables automated operations based on user preferences.
Keywords: intelligent water dispenser, microcontroller, control
997 浏览量
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164 浏览量

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