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"Mastering PyCharm - Quazi Nafiul Islam" PyCharm是一款由JetBrains公司开发的强大Python集成开发环境(IDE),专为Python程序员设计,提供了丰富的工具和功能来提升开发效率。本书《Mastering PyCharm》旨在帮助读者深入理解和熟练使用PyCharm的各种特性。 1. **项目管理**:PyCharm允许用户创建和管理多个Python项目,每个项目可以有独立的虚拟环境,便于隔离不同项目间的依赖。书中的内容可能涵盖了如何设置和管理项目结构,以及如何导入和导出项目。 2. **代码编辑器**:PyCharm提供了强大的代码编辑功能,如自动完成、语法高亮、代码折叠、错误检查等。书中可能会详细解释这些功能的使用,帮助读者编写更高效、更规范的代码。 3. **调试与测试**:PyCharm内置了强大的调试工具,支持断点、步进执行、变量查看等功能,方便开发者定位和修复问题。同时,它还支持集成单元测试框架如unittest,用于编写和运行测试用例。书中应该会介绍如何有效地使用这些工具。 4. **版本控制**:PyCharm集成了Git、SVN等版本控制系统,方便用户进行版本管理、代码审查和协同开发。书中可能会讲解如何在PyCharm中配置和使用这些版本控制工具。 5. **集成开发环境(IDE)集成**:PyCharm与Django、Flask等Web框架有良好的集成,还支持科学计算库如NumPy和Pandas。书中可能包含如何在PyCharm中配置和使用这些框架和库的教程。 6. **远程开发**:PyCharm支持远程开发,允许用户在本地编辑、运行和调试远程服务器上的代码。这在处理大数据或需要高性能计算的项目时尤其有用。书中会详细阐述如何配置和使用这一特性。 7. **Docker集成**:PyCharm提供对Docker容器的集成,使得开发人员可以在容器环境中开发和部署应用。这部分内容可能包括如何创建和管理Docker容器,以及如何将应用部署到Docker。 8. **插件扩展**:PyCharm允许安装各种插件以增强其功能,如Python Debugging, PyTest, Flake8等。书中会介绍一些常用的插件及其使用方法。 9. **生产力提升技巧**:书中可能还会提供一些提高开发效率的技巧和最佳实践,例如快捷键使用、代码重构、代码导航等。 10. **社区与专业版比较**:PyCharm有社区免费版和专业付费版之分,书中会对比两者的功能差异,帮助读者根据需求选择合适的版本。 通过阅读《Mastering PyCharm》,读者将能够全面掌握PyCharm的高级特性,从而在Python开发中实现更高的生产力和效率。
2016-03-30 上传
PyCharm is addictive, with powerful and configurable code completion, superb editing tools, top-notch support, diverse plugins, and a vibrant ecosystem to boot. Learning how PyCharm works and maximising the synergy of its powerful tools will help you to rapidly develop applications. From leveraging the power of the editor to understanding PyCharm’s internals, this book will give you a comprehensive view of PyCharm and allow you to make your own choices about which workflow and tools are best for you. You will start by getting comfortable with PyCharm and making it look exactly like you want. You can customize the tools and taskbars to suit individual developers’ coding styles. You also learn how to assign keyboard shortcuts. You will master debugging by inserting breakpoints, collecting runtime data, and debugging from the console. You will understand how PyCharm works underneath and how plugins such as Codemap, Vim, Bitbucket, Assets compressor, markdown, bash file, shortcut translator, and .gitignore leverage the power of the IntelliJ platform. You will become comfortable using the VCS interface in PyCharm and see the benefits of using it for some simple tasks as well as some more complex tasks such as partial commits using changelists. You will take an in-depth look at the various tools in PyCharm, improving your workflow drastically. Finally, you will deploy powerful PyCharm tools for Django, Flask, GAE, and Pyramid Development, becoming well acquainted with PyCharm’s toolset for web development with popular platforms. Packed with insider tricks, this book will help you boost productivity with PyCharm. What You Will Learn Understand the internal workings of the IntelliJ Platform Leverage PyCharm’s powerful search tools, and learn which ones are the best for you and your workflow Customize PyCharm’s enhanced Python interpreter and its inbuilt terminal Develop web applications quickly and easily with different frameworks such as Flask and Django Understand