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The given text seems to contain a class definition in the Python programming language, but it is not complete and appears to be repeated multiple times. Additionally, it includes some information about association rule mining and its basic concepts and algorithms such as Apriori, Close, and FP-Tree algorithms.
Association Rule Mining is a popular and active research method in the field of data mining. It was initially proposed by Agrawal and others in 1993 to analyze shopping basket data and discover the relationship rules between different items in transaction databases.
The research on association rule mining has yielded significant results, including theoretical foundations, algorithm design, algorithm performance, application promotion, parallel association rule mining, and quantitative association rule mining.
Association rule mining serves as the foundation for other branches of data mining research, and it has applications in various fields, including market basket analysis, recommendation systems, and web usage mining.
In summary, the provided text appears to be a mix of incomplete code in Python and information about association rule mining, its basic concepts, and algorithms. It seems to be a combination of code and explanatory text related to data mining.
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