揭秘Relevant Search:Elasticsearch中的搜索结果优化指南

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《相关搜索》(Relevant Search, 2016)是一本由Doug Turnbull和John Berryman合著的专业书籍,旨在揭示和简化在现代搜索引擎,特别是Elasticsearch中的相关性工作原理。该书深入讲解如何通过Elasticsearch技术提供吸引用户的搜索结果,帮助读者理解和利用基于Lucene的搜索引擎内部机制。作者们在书中分享了实践经验和策略,涵盖了如何优化索引、查询构建、评估算法以及如何根据用户行为调整搜索体验。 书中内容包括但不限于: 1. **Elasticsearch基础**:首先介绍Elasticsearch的架构和工作原理,让读者对这个分布式搜索引擎有全面的认识,了解其背后的Lucene引擎。 2. **相关性排名算法**:详细解析Relevance Ranking如何影响搜索结果排序,包括TF-IDF、BM25、向量空间模型等经典算法的解释和优化方法。 3. **用户意图理解**:讲解如何通过分析用户查询、点击行为和交互数据来识别用户的搜索意图,从而提供更精准的结果。 4. **搜索质量优化**:讨论如何通过A/B测试和用户反馈改进搜索质量,确保返回的搜索结果不仅准确,而且具有吸引力。 5. **个性化搜索**:介绍如何实现个性化推荐,根据用户的历史行为、兴趣和偏好调整搜索结果的呈现。 6. **实战案例与应用**:书中提供了实际项目案例,展示了如何将理论知识应用于Solr和Elasticsearch的开发环境中,帮助读者更好地理解和应用。 7. **最新技术和趋势**:考虑到搜索引擎技术的快速发展,书中还会涵盖一些前沿的相关搜索技术,如深度学习、自然语言处理和实时搜索优化。 8. **维护和监控**:讨论如何监控和调试搜索性能,确保系统的稳定性和高效性。 《相关搜索》对于希望提升搜索引擎性能、提供卓越用户体验的IT专业人士来说,是一本不可多得的实用指南。它既适合搜索引擎工程师,也适用于网站开发者和数据分析师,通过阅读这本书,读者可以深入了解并掌握如何打造一个能满足用户需求的高质量搜索系统。同时,作者们的深入剖析和实践经验分享,有助于读者在实际工作中解决相关问题。
2016-10-20 上传
Summary Relevant Search demystifies relevance work. Using Elasticsearch, it teaches you how to return engaging search results to your users, helping you understand and leverage the internals of Lucene-based search engines. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Users are accustomed to and expect instant, relevant search results. To achieve this, you must master the search engine. Yet for many developers, relevance ranking is mysterious or confusing. About the Book Relevant Search demystifies the subject and shows you that a search engine is a programmable relevance framework. You'll learn how to apply Elasticsearch or Solr to your business's unique ranking problems. The book demonstrates how to program relevance and how to incorporate secondary data sources, taxonomies, text analytics, and personalization. In practice, a relevance framework requires softer skills as well, such as collaborating with stakeholders to discover the right relevance requirements for your business. By the end, you'll be able to achieve a virtuous cycle of provable, measurable relevance improvements over a search product's lifetime. What's Inside Techniques for debugging relevance? Applying search engine features to real problems? Using the user interface to guide searchers? A systematic approach to relevance? A business culture focused on improving search About the Reader For developers trying to build smarter search with Elasticsearch or Solr. About the Authors Doug Turnbull is lead relevance consultant at OpenSource Connections, where he frequently speaks and blogs. John Berryman is a data engineer at Eventbrite, where he specializes in recommendations and search. Foreword author, Trey Grainger, is a director of engineering at CareerBuilder and author of Solr in Action. Table of Contents Chapter 1 The search relevance problem Chapter 2 Search—under the hood Chapter 3 Debugging your first relevance problem Chapter 4 Taming tokens Chapter 5 Basic multifield search Chapter 6 Term-centric search Chapter 7 Shaping the relevance function Chapter 8 Providing relevance feedback Chapter 9 Designing a relevance-focused search application Chapter 10 The relevance-centered enterprise Chapter 11 Semantic and personalized search Appendix A Indexing directly from TMDB Appendix B Solr reader’s companion