
需积分: 15 8 下载量 3 浏览量 更新于2023-12-21 收藏 194KB DOC 举报
STM32-USB usage involves the interaction between the host and the device. To avoid developing a driver program, the Windows built-in driver program is utilized. The device is enumerated as an HID class device, and a USB mouse is a standard USB-HID device. However, the operating system prevents direct access to the USB mouse report by the application program. Thus, the article introduces the use of the STM32 USB module through configuring clock initialization. The USB clock is set to 48MHz, derived from the PLL clock divided by 1.5. The article also mentions the use of custom HID devices to avoid driver development and allow free data transmission between the application program and the device. It focuses on the simple usage of the STM32F103 USB module and does not cover USB protocol. Those interested in the source program keil4-arm project and upper computer VB can inquire via the provided QQ. The specific STM32 development board mentioned is the "Fighting Mini Development Board" with the STM32F103VET6 chip.