An efficient Exact-PGA algorithm for constant curvature manifolds
Rudrasis Chakraborty
, Dohyung Seo
, and Baba C. Vemuri
Department of CISE, University of Florida, FL 32611, USA
U-Systems, A GE Healthcare Company, CA, USA
{rudrasis, vemuri}
Manifold-valued datasets are widely encountered in
many computer vision tasks. A non-linear analog of
the PCA algorithm, called the Principal Geodesic Anal-
ysis (PGA) algorithm suited for data lying on Rieman-
nian manifolds was reported in literature a decade ago.
Since the objective function in the PGA algorithm is
highly non-linear and hard to solve efficiently in gen-
eral, researchers have proposed a linear approximation.
Though this linear approximation is easy to compute, it
lacks accuracy especially when the data exhibits a large
variance. Recently, an alternative called the exact PGA
was proposed which tries to solve the optimization with-
out any linearization. For general Riemannian mani-
folds, though it yields a better accuracy than the orig-
inal (linearized) PGA, for data that exhibit large vari-
ance, the optimization is not computationally efficient.
In this paper, we propose an efficient exact PGA al-
gorithm for constant curvature Riemannian manifolds
(CCM-EPGA). The CCM-EPGA algorithm differs sig-
nificantly from existing PGA algorithms in two aspects,
(i) the distance between a given manifold-valued data
point and the principal submanifold is computed an-
alytically and thus no optimization is required as in
the existing methods. (ii) Unlike the existing PGA al-
gorithms, the descent into codimension-1 submanifolds
does not require any optimization but is accomplished
through the use of the Rimeannian inverse Exponential
map and the parallel transport operations. We present
theoretical and experimental results for constant cur-
vature Riemannian manifolds depicting favorable per-
formance of the CCM-EPGA algorithm compared to
existing PGA algorithms. We also present data recon-
struction from the principal components which has not
been reported in literature in this setting.
1. Introduction
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a widely
used dimensionality reduction technique in Science and
Engineering. PCA however requires the input data to
lie in a vector space. With the advent of new technolo-
gies and wide spread use of sophisticated feature ex-
traction methods, manifold-valued data have become
ubiquitous in many fields including but not limited
to, Computer Vision, Medical Imaging and Machine
Learning. A nonlinear version of PCA, called the Prin-
cipal Geodesic Analysis (PGA), for data lying on Rie-
mannian manifolds was introduced in [8].
Since the objective function of PGA is highly non-
linear and hard to solve in general, researchers pro-
posed a linearized version of the PGA [8]. Though this
linearized PGA, hereafter referred to as PGA, is com-
putationally efficient, it lacks accuracy for data with
large spread/variance. In order to solve the objective
function exactly, Sommer et al., [25] proposed to solve
the original objective function (not the approximation)
and called it exact PGA . While exact PGA attempts
to solve this complex nonlinear optimization problem,
it is however computationally inefficient. Though it
is not possible to efficiently and accurately solve this
optimization problem for a general manifold, however,
for manifolds with constant sectional curvature, we for-
mulate an efficient and exact PGA algorithm, dubbed
CCM-EPGA. It is well known in geometry, by virtue
of the Killing-Hopf theorem [4], that any non-zero con-
stant curvature manifold is isomorphic to either the hy-
persphere (S
) or the hyperbolic space (H
), hence in
this work, we present the CCM-EPGA formulation for
) and (H
). Our formulation has several applica-
tions to Computer Vision and Statistics including di-
rectional data [21] and color spaces [19]. Several other
applications of hyperbolic geometry are, shape analy-
sis [30], Electrical Impedance Tomography, Geoscience
Imaging [28], Brain Morphometry [29], Catadiaoptric
Vision [3] etc.
In order to depict the effectiveness of our proposed
2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1063-6919/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CVPR.2016.431