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"这篇论文研究了肿瘤生长过程中细胞外基质(Extracellular Matrix, ECM)的力学性质和微观异质性对3D胰腺肿瘤基质共培养模型的影响。通过被动粒子追踪技术,在体外模拟体内环境,对嵌入式和叠加式的3D肿瘤模型进行实时测量,以揭示物理力、ECM的机械特性如何调控肿瘤生长和侵袭。" 在肿瘤生物学领域,细胞外基质(ECM)的力学性质和结构异质性扮演着关键角色。ECM不仅提供物理支撑,还通过信号传导影响细胞行为,包括肿瘤细胞的增殖、迁移和侵袭。这篇论文的作者——Dustin P. Jones等人,利用3D胰腺肿瘤模型来研究这些复杂的相互作用。 3D肿瘤模型是理解肿瘤微环境的重要工具,因为它们能够模拟体内的细胞排列和组织结构,使得研究人员能更精确地控制和分析变量。在本研究中,"in situ measurement"(原位测量)指的是在保持细胞和组织结构完整的情况下,直接在3D模型内部进行ECM的力学性质测量,这有助于捕捉到实时的生物物理变化。 "Passive particle tracking"(被动粒子追踪)是一种非侵入性的技术,通过追踪微小颗粒在ECM中的运动,可以推断出ECM的流变学性质(rheology),即其在力作用下的变形和流动特性。这种技术能揭示ECM的粘度和弹性,这对于了解肿瘤细胞如何适应并利用其周围环境至关重要。 论文强调了肿瘤与基质之间的机械反馈(mechanoregulatory crosstalk)是双向的。这意味着不仅肿瘤细胞可以改变其微环境,ECM的力学状态也会反过来影响肿瘤细胞的行为。通过研究嵌入式和叠加式的3D共培养模型,作者可能旨在模拟不同的肿瘤-基质相互作用模式,以全面评估ECM在肿瘤发展中的作用。 此外,"microheterogeneity"(微观异质性)指的是ECM在微尺度上的不均匀性,这种不均匀性可能影响肿瘤细胞的生长和侵袭路径。通过这种方式,研究者能够探索ECM的局部差异如何影响肿瘤进展和治疗反应。 这篇论文通过深入研究3D胰腺肿瘤模型中的ECM力学性质和微观异质性,旨在增进我们对肿瘤生长和侵袭机制的理解,为未来的癌症疗法提供新的见解和潜在的靶点。

用中文总结以下内容: A number of experimental and numerical investigations have been conducted to study the MBPP stack and wavy flow field characteristics with various designs [10,11]. T. Chu et al. conducted the durability test of a 10-kW MBPP fuel cell stack containing 30 cells under dynamic driving cycles and analyzed the performance degradation mechanism [12]. X. Li et al. studied the deformation behavior of the wavy flow channels with thin metallic sheet of 316 stainless steel from both experimental and simulation aspects [13]. J. Owejan et al. designed a PEMFC stack with anode straight flow channels and cathode wavy flow channels and studied the in situ water distributions with neutron radiograph [14]. T. Tsukamoto et al. simulated a full-scale MBPP fuel cell stack of 300 cm2 active area at high current densities and used the 3D model to analyze the in-plane and through-plane parameter distributions [15]. G. Zhang et al. developed a two-fluid 3D model of PEMFC to study the multi-phase and convection effects of wave-like flow channels which are symmetric between anode and cathode sides [16]. S. Saco et al. studied the scaled up PEMFC numerically and compared straight parallel, serpentine zig-zag and straight zig-zag flow channels cell with zig-zag flow field with a transient 3D numerical model to analyze the subfreezing temperature cold start operations [18]. P. Dong et al. introduced discontinuous S-shaped and crescent ribs into flow channels based on the concept of wavy flow field for optimized design and improved energy performance [19]. I. Anyanwu et al. investigated the two-phase flow in sinusoidal channel of different geometric configurations for PEMFC and analyzed the effects of key dimensions on the droplet removal in the flow channel [20]. Y. Peng et al. simulated 5-cell stacks with commercialized flow field designs, including Ballard-like straight flow field, Honda-like wavy flow field and Toyota-like 3D mesh flow field, to investigate their thermal management performance [21]. To note, the terms such as sinusoidal, zig-zag, wave-like and Sshaped flow channels in the aforementioned literatures are similar to the so called wavy flow channels in this paper with identical channel height for the entire flow field. The through-plane constructed wavy flow channels with periodically varied channel heights are beyond the scope of this paper [22,23].

2023-02-10 上传

Please revise the paper:Accurate determination of bathymetric data in the shallow water zone over time and space is of increasing significance for navigation safety, monitoring of sea-level uplift, coastal areas management, and marine transportation. Satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) is widely accepted as an effective alternative to conventional acoustics measurements over coastal areas with high spatial and temporal resolution combined with extensive repetitive coverage. Numerous empirical SDB approaches in previous works are unsuitable for precision bathymetry mapping in various scenarios, owing to the assumption of homogeneous bottom over the whole region, as well as the limitations of constructing global mapping relationships between water depth and blue-green reflectance takes no account of various confounding factors of radiance attenuation such as turbidity. To address the assumption failure of uniform bottom conditions and imperfect consideration of influence factors on the performance of the SDB model, this work proposes a bottom-type adaptive-based SDB approach (BA-SDB) to obtain accurate depth estimation over different sediments. The bottom type can be adaptively segmented by clustering based on bottom reflectance. For each sediment category, a PSO-LightGBM algorithm for depth derivation considering multiple influencing factors is driven to adaptively select the optimal influence factors and model parameters simultaneously. Water turbidity features beyond the traditional impact factors are incorporated in these regression models. Compared with log-ratio, multi-band and classical machine learning methods, the new approach produced the most accurate results with RMSE value is 0.85 m, in terms of different sediments and water depths combined with in-situ observations of airborne laser bathymetry and multi-beam echo sounder.

2023-02-18 上传
2023-02-15 上传