Xilinx 2014:PCIe性能深度解析与系统设计指南

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本篇文档是Xilinx在2014年10月发布的名为"Understanding the Performance of PCI Express Systems"的白皮书,版本为WP350 (v1.2)。该文档专注于探讨PCI Express (PCIe)技术,这是一种高级的点对点串行接口标准,为系统提供了高效、可靠的数据传输解决方案。PCIe技术与早期的PCI标准相比,具有显著的带宽提升,但其性能表现不仅仅取决于数据传输速率,还受到许多因素的影响。 文档首先强调了版权信息,指出Xilinx、Artix、ISE、Kintex、Spartan、Virtex、Vivado、Zynq等品牌均为Xilinx在美国和其他国家的商标,而PCI、PCIe和PCI Express是PCI-SIG的注册商标。性能评估对于PCIe系统至关重要,因为虽然它能够实现高速数据传输,但在实际应用中,用户需要理解数据传输速率与实际数据处理能力之间的区别。 白皮书中详细解释了PCIe技术的工作原理,特别是其序列化的点到点连接方式,以及如何通过不同的世代(如Gen3)来优化性能。Xilinx UltraScale和Virtex-7XT/HT系列FPGA中支持的Gen3 PCIe技术,提供了更高的带宽和更低的延迟,这对于高性能计算和数据中心应用至关重要。 文章深入探讨了可能影响PCIe系统性能的关键因素,如带宽需求、通道数量、总线宽度、错误校验机制、时钟速度和设备间的同步等。此外,它还提供了关于如何根据具体应用需求和系统架构来估计和优化PCIe性能的实用建议,包括但不限于硬件配置、软件驱动优化和协议级设计考虑。 这篇白皮书为理解PCIe系统的性能潜力、优化设计选择和实现高效数据传输提供了全面的指南,对于从事硬件设计、系统集成或数据中心管理的专业人士来说,是一份不可或缺的技术参考资料。
2017-11-20 上传
'We have always recommended these books to our customers and even our own engineers for developing a better understanding of technologies and specifications. We find the latest PCI Express book from MindShare to have the same content and high quality as all the others.' --Nader Saleh, CEO/President, Catalyst Enterprises, Inc. PCI Express is the third-generation Peripheral Component Inter-connect technology for a wide range of systems and peripheral devices. Incorporating recent advances in high-speed, point-to-point interconnects, PCI Express provides significantly higher performance, reliability, and enhanced capabilities--at a lower cost--than the previous PCI and PCI-X standards. Therefore, anyone working on next-generation PC systems, BIOS and device driver development, and peripheral device design will need to have a thorough understanding of PCI Express. PCI Express System Architecture provides an in-depth description and comprehensive reference to the PCI Express standard. The book contains information needed for design, verification, and test, as well as background information essential for writing low-level BIOS and device drivers.In addition, it offers valuable insight into the technology's evolution and cutting-edge features. Following an overview of the PCI Express architecture, the book moves on to cover transaction protocols, the physical/electrical layer, power management, configuration, and more. Specific topics covered include: *Split transaction protocol *Packet format and definition, including use of each field *ACK/NAK protocol *Traffic Class and Virtual Channel applications and use *Flow control initialization and operation *Error checking mechanisms and reporting options *Switch design issues *Advanced Power Management mechanisms and use *Active State Link power management *Hot Plug design and operation *Message transactions *Physical layer functions *Electrical signaling characteristics and issues *PCI Express enumeration procedures *Configura