
5星 · 超过95%的资源 1 下载量 160 浏览量 更新于2024-03-02 收藏 53KB DOCX 举报
4. The continuous deforestation in the Amazon rainforest has led to theof numerous species of plants and animals.5. The government has implemented various policies tothe use of renewable energy sources in order to reduce carbon emissions.6. As a manager, it is important to provide employees with regular feedback andto help them improve their performance.7. There is often ato effective communication when there are cultural or language differences between team members.8. With the advances in technology, the pace of change in the business world has significantly, requiring companies to adapt quickly.9. The company's decision to sponsor the event was aimed at building brandand attracting new customers.10. The team of scientists worked together toa formula for calculating the probability of finding water on Mars. 总的来说,小组讨论活动在我们的课堂上起着非常重要的作用,提供了一个支持性和安全的环境来促进学习。公司的发展战略是加快海外扩张,以在全球市场中站稳脚跟。每年有将近六百万人前去看蒙娜丽莎,被她微笑的神秘所吸引。亚马逊雨林的持续砍伐导致了许多植物和动物物种的灭绝。政府已经实施了各种政策来促进可再生能源的使用,以减少碳排放。作为管理者,为员工提供定期反馈和洞察力以帮助他们提高绩效是非常重要的。当团队成员之间存在文化或语言差异时,会存在有效沟通的障碍。随着技术的进步,商业世界的变化速度显著加快,要求公司快速适应。公司决定赞助活动是为了建立品牌推广并吸引新客户。科学家团队共同努力制定了一个计算火星上寻找水几率的公式。