
需积分: 9 1 下载量 168 浏览量 更新于2023-12-29 收藏 2.44MB DOC 举报
In order to set up an Android development environment, the first step is to install JDK. This can be done by running the jdk-6.exe program and changing the installation path to D:\Android\Java\jdk1.6.0_26. Once the installation is complete, the next step is to set the JDK environment variable. This can be done by going to My Computer, then Properties, then Advanced, and finally to Environment Variables. It is recommended to configure the user variables to avoid accidental deletion of system variables. The user variables should include JAVA_HOME, PATH, and CLASSPATH, with the corresponding paths to the JDK installation directory and its subdirectories. To test if the environment variable configuration is successful, open the command prompt and type "javac" and "java" to see if the corresponding commands are executed without error. Overall, the process of setting up an Android development environment involves installing JDK and configuring the environment variables. This is essential for developers who want to start building Android applications.