
需积分: 5 0 下载量 176 浏览量 更新于2024-01-31 收藏 342KB DOC 举报
The embedded Linux 2.6 kernel startup process consists of several steps. Firstly, the kernel is uncompressed. The source code file "head.s" in the "Linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed" directory handles this task. After the compression is complete, the initialization process begins. This involves executing various startup routines to set up the system environment. The initialization process is defined in the file "vmlinux.lds" located in the "arch/arm/kernel" directory. Once the initialization process is complete, the application programs are started. This is done by executing the startup routines defined in the "start.S" file located in the "arch/arm/boot/compressed" directory. The specific steps involved in the embedded Linux 2.6 kernel startup process are as follows: 1. Uncompression: The "head.s" file is responsible for uncompressing the kernel image. It handles the decompression of the kernel image and prepares it for execution. 2. Initialization: After the uncompression process, the system starts the initialization phase. This involves executing various startup routines to initialize the necessary components and setup the system environment. The "vmlinux.lds" file defines the initialization process, specifying the order in which the startup routines should be executed. 3. Starting Application Programs: Once the initialization process is complete, the system starts the application programs. This is done by executing the startup routines defined in the "start.S" file. These routines initialize the necessary components and start the application programs. To summarize, the embedded Linux 2.6 kernel startup process involves uncompressing the kernel image, initializing the system environment, and starting the application programs. This process is defined by the "head.s", "vmlinux.lds", and "start.S" files located in the relevant directories of the Linux source code.