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《利用Docker构建通用管道:DevOps指南》是一本深入探讨如何在DevOps环境中利用Docker技术创建可重用、平台无关的持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)框架的专业书籍。作者 Brandon Atkinson 和 Dallas Edwards 旨在帮助读者理解通用管道方法的优缺点,并通过结合shell脚本和Docker来构建灵活的自动化流程。 在当前微服务和敏捷开发盛行的时代,DevOps团队面临快速迭代的压力。通过阅读本书,读者将学习如何设计一个能够适应各种应用和技术栈的通用管道,从而减少每个项目单独创建管道的工作量,提高整体工作效率。该书强调了以下几个核心知识点: 1. **通用管道的优势**:了解采用通用管道的策略,它可以帮助团队节省时间和资源,同时保持代码复用,减少技术债务。 2. **Shell脚本与Docker的结合**:书中会详细介绍如何利用Docker容器化来构建模块化的构建环境,确保一致性,同时隔离不同项目之间的依赖。 3. **跨平台实现**:读者将学到如何在不同的CI/CD平台上实施通用管道,如Jenkins、GitLab CI/CD或GitHub Actions,使得管道能够在云环境和本地开发环境中无缝运行。 4. **适应不同类型的DevOps团队**:无论是集中式还是分布式团队,都能从本书中学到如何构建一种易于扩展和调整的管道结构,以满足团队需求。 5. **模块化设计**:了解如何构建具有可添加、删除或替换组件的管道,这样可以根据项目需求进行灵活定制。 6. **版权与许可**:本书受版权保护,所有权利归作者所有,但允许根据相关协议进行翻译、再版和传播。 通过阅读《利用Docker构建通用管道:DevOps指南》,读者不仅能提升自己的DevOps实践能力,还能推动团队更快地交付高质量的应用,同时减少编码量,实现更高效的软件开发和运维流程。这本书适合任何使用DevOps工具或者参与DevOps团队的专业人士,特别是那些寻求简化管道流程并加快部署速度的开发者和运维人员。
2018-12-26 上传
Generic Pipelines Using Docker The DevOps Guide to Building Reusable, Platform Agnostic CI/CD Frameworks Generic Pipelines Using Docker Author: Brandon Atkinson, Dallas Edwards ISBN-10: 1484236548 Year: 2019 Pages: 127 Language: English File size: 3.1 MB File format: PDF, ePub Category: .NET Hardware & DIY Book Description: Create generic pipelines to reduce your overall DevOps workload and allow your team to deliver faster. This book helps you get up to speed on the pros and cons of generic pipeline methodology, and learn to combine shell scripts and Docker to build generic pipelines. In today’s world of micro-services and agile practices, DevOps teams need to move as fast as feature teams. This can be extremely challenging if you’re creating multiple pipelines per application or tech stack. What if your feature teams could utilize a generic pipeline that could build, test, and deploy any application, regardless of tech stack? What if that pipeline was also cloud and platform agnostic? Too good to be true? Well think again! Generic Pipelines Using Docker explores the principles and implementations that allow you to do just that. You will learn from real-world examples and reusable code. After reading this book you will have the knowledge to build generic pipelines that any team can use. What You’ll Learn Explore the pros and cons of generic pipeline methodology Combine shell scripts and Docker to build a generic pipeline Implement a pipeline across CI/CD platforms Build a pipeline that lends itself well to both centralized and federated DevOps teams Construct a modular pipeline with components that can be added, removed, or replaced as needed Who This Book Is For Professionals who use DevOps or are part of a DevOps team, and are seeking ways to streamline their pipelines and drive more deployments while using less code