"球团生产工艺中的 PLC 控制系统设计及调试"
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The concept of the pellet production process, the pellet production process is refining the production process of the pellets, pelletizing and sintering are two commonly used methods in the steel industry for processing iron ore. Pelletizing involves mixing fine ground iron ore or other iron-containing materials with small amounts of additives, wetting with water, and then rolling into balls using a balling machine. These balls are then dried and fired to form spherical iron-bearing materials with certain strength and metallurgical properties. This paper introduces the basic structure and working principles of PLC, the hardware structure, instruction system, programming methods of Siemens S7-300/400 series PLC, and the use of STEP7 software. With this knowledge, the PLC control system design for the feeding system in the pellet production process is carried out, including simulation and debugging. The hardware configuration and software programming process of the PLC are discussed, and the program is debugged using simulation software PLCSIM. The key words are: pellet production process, PLC, programming, debugging.
In summary, this paper focuses on the design of the PLC control system for the feeding system in the pellet production process. The concept of pellet production process and the role of pelletizing in the steel industry are explained. The basic structure and working principles of PLC, as well as the hardware structure, instruction system, and programming methods of Siemens S7-300/400 series PLC, are introduced. The use of STEP7 software for PLC programming is discussed, and the process of hardware configuration and software programming is outlined. The application of simulation software PLCSIM for debugging the program is explained. Overall, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of the PLC control system design for the feeding system in the pellet production process, highlighting the importance of automation and control in the steel industry.
2023-02-19 上传
2018-10-08 上传
2021-10-12 上传
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