COL 10(7), 070605(2012) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS July 10, 2012
Generation of coherent optical multi-carriers using
concatenated, dual-drive Mach-Zehnder and phase
Shumin Zou (qqqÖÖÖ¯¯¯), Yiguang Wang (111), Yufeng Shao (´´´), Junwen Zhang (ÜÜÜddd©©©),
Jianjun Yu ({{{ïïï), and Nan Chi (´´´ )
State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System, Department of Communication Science and Engineering,
Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Corresp onding author:
Received November 8, 2011; accepted January 18, 2012; posted online March 31, 2012
The generation of coherent optical subcarriers based on a concatenated dual-drive Mach-Zehnder intensity
mo dulator (IM) and two phase modulators (PMs) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The
mo dulation index and DC bias of PM+IM modulation are theoretically investigated. Theoretical analysis
and numerical study are also carried out to examine the proposed scheme. We use 25-GHz RF synchronous
sinusoidal signals to drive cascaded two-stage PMs and IM, through which we generate 28 subcarriers with
p eak power fluctuations less than 4 dB. The measured tone-to-noise ratio of the subcarrier is higher than 40
dB. The experimental results show that for 100-Gb/s polarization multiplexing QPSK signal, the receiver
sensitivity of the back-to-back signal is −28.6 dBm, and the power penalty is lower than 1 dB after 100-km
transmission at the BER of 1×10
OCIS codes: 060.1660, 060.2330, 060.2380.
doi: 10.3788/COL201210.070605.
The bandwidth demands for communication and com-
puter applications have grown in recent years, such as in
the areas of Internet video applications, downloads, and
so on; thus, it has become necessary for optical commu-
nication to migrate from 10 to 100 Gb/s or even higher
(e.g., 1 Tb/s)
. Given that wavelength-division-
multiplexing (WDM)
and coherent optical frequency-
division multiplexing (OFDM)
are promising tech-
niques for such high-speed long-haul transmissions, many
researchers have attempted to come up with better tech-
niques to achieve high-speed transmission. Recently, a
16×112 Gb/s NRZ-DQPSK modulation format for dense
WDM (DWDM) transmission
and a 1.2-Tb/s orthog-
onal DWDM transmission
have been reported. To
increase the capacity of WDM transmission, many ap-
proaches have been proposed, such as expanding the us-
able wavelength band, increasing the bit rate, narrow-
ing the channel spacing
, using new optical fibers, and
compensating for nonlinearities. With these approaches,
a multi-carrier transmission system with narrower chan-
nel spacing (i.e., increased spectral efficiency) is suitable
for long haul transmission, because it can decrease the
bit rate of every single channel with large number of
multi-wavelengths. However, the key research issue for
multi-wavelength transmission, i.e., the source should be
stable, compact, and cost-effective, must be addressed.
There are several techniques to generate multi-carriers.
First of these is the supercontinum (SC) generation,
which is the combination of an optical pulse generator
and nonlinear fiber. In this method, the optical pulse
spectrum is broadened based on optical pulse compres-
sion through a nonlinear fiber
. The second tech-
nique is a combination of a periodically driven Mach-
Zehnder modulator (MZM) and a nonlinear fiber. Here,
CW light is periodically amplitude modulated and then
coupled to a nonlinear fiber, in which the light under-
goes additional modulation by the process of self-phase
. The third method features concatenated
Mach-Zehnder (MZ) intensity modulator (IM) and phase
modulators (PMs) comprising a simple configuration
based on a hybrid sinusoidal amplitude-phase modula-
tion using tandem LiNbO
. The fourth
method is a combination of an optical single-sideband
(SSB) modulator and an optical fiber loop; here, the
SSB modulator shifts the frequency of the optical sig-
nal to generate multiple combs sequentially each time
the lightwave circulates in the loop
. However, the
above techniques suffer from low OSNR (which is less
than 25 B), as well as a low number of generated sub car-
riers that are less than 20, within a 2-dB power variation
and amplitude fluctuation around 5 dB.
In this letter, we theoretically investigate the operat-
ing mechanism of a multi-wavelength generation method
based on a concatenated dual-drive MZM and PM. Theo-
retical analysis and numerical study are carried out, and
25-GHz RF synchronous sinusoidal signals are used to
drive the cascaded two-stage PMs and IM, through which
we generated 28 subcarriers with peak power fluctuation
less than 4 dB. The measured tone-to-noise ratio of the
subcarrier is higher than 40 dB. The experimental results
show that for 100-Gb/s polarization multiplexing QPSK
signal, the receiver sensitivity of the back-to-back (BTB)
signal is −28.6 dBm, and the power penalty is lower than
1 dB after 100-km transmission at the BER of 1×10
Experimental results demonstrate the successful genera-
tion of multi-subcarriers for high-speed transmission.
With the input optical signal as E
(t) = A ·
t), and the RF drive signal as V
(t) =
sin (2πf
t), the transfer function of phase modulator
1671-7694/2012/070605(5) 070605-1
° 2012 Chinese Optics Letters